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Profoto Connect Pro

429,00 €
357,50 € 消費税抜き


327 レビュー
  • Great Item

    This is good. Seamless connection. Being able to see light power setting really useful. I use it with my D2 mono-lights. Once only selection of connect mode required for the older Air units (see user manual) so not an issue

  • Easy to use

    Easy to use

  • Connect pro Nikon

    Perfect model. dail is much better than my first version👍�

  • Biggest disaster.

    Nach unzähligen Versuchen, den QR-Code auf dem Startbildschirm mittels Online-Registrierung (via ProFoto-App) wegzubekommen hat das automatische Update das Gerät gecrasht. Jetzt hängt alles im Infinity-Loop aus Update-Versuch und Update-Abbruch fest. Auch ein Kaltstart (Reset nach 1-wöchigem Stromunterbruch) bringt keine Lösung. Das Gerät ist TOT. Und der Profoto-Customer-Care (Care!) hat sich nach der zweiten Anfrage NIE WIEDER GEMELDET. Davon abgesehen macht das Gerät insgesamt einen billigen Eindruck und erreicht nirgends die Material-Qualität früherer Remotes. Worst Profoto device I ever purchased!

  • Overpriced but it works.

    it works but is way too expensive. should have cost half as much. comes with a disastrous battery door. :-( and batteries die fast.

  • Perfect Tool

    I will do my work with Professional Tools it’s about getting out quality So I choose the best tools on the market to get my mind free for the situation or the moment I want to freeze with my photos … thanks Profoto for the work

  • Connect Pro

    Great!. But I only use the iPhone app anyway :)

  • 使いやすい


  • Just love it!

    Easy to use, fast, reliable and good looking!

  • The Connect Pro is a nice upgrade. Intuitive and easy to use.

    This is my second Connect Pro, so it is an extra, but I can use two while shooting with an assistant. They handhold the extra to tweak settings as we shoot. I am overall happy with all of my Profoto gear.

  • Works like a charm

    Much more intuitive than the older 2020 version indeed

  • Awesome

    Sublime experience - it just works!

  • Battery

    I expect rechargeable battery inside with usb type~c connector.

  • A trigger I can always count on

    I've used various triggers over the years, and the Profoto Connect Pro is the best yet. I enjoy its simple design, ease of use, and it always fires! It seems high quality (well-built). I am simply amazed by the fact that I can work in any environment and it simply delivers. Great performance!

  • Connection made easy

    I’ve used similar products from three other brands, at least one with comparable functionality. I have to say that the Connect Pro by far is the easiest and most logical of them all to use. The display is clear and menus are very intuitive. My only regret is that I should have invested in profoto gear from the get go.

  • Idiot proof!

    Seamless, works great!

  • Very poor quality -broke 5th time I used it.

    Cheaply made Chinese Profoto product. Love Profoto, but this is a failure.

  • Connect Pro is the keys to the kingdom!

    Super reliable even at distance. Precise control. No misses. Nothing else to say, really.

  • Rubbish

    Absolute rubbish I now own 3 profoto triggers all 3 miss fire all the time. on different cameras, so it’s Definitely the triggers. To fire I have to push it down or put my hand infront of it. It’s a joke of a product

  • A real Gamechanger

    The ability to see and change the exact values on the connect pro interface makes lighting sets with a lot of lights much easier. We all love it!

  • The dial type is easy to use.

    Until now, there was no Transmmiter for Leica M, so I used an air remote for manual synchronization. With the release of Connect Pro, you can now use TTL with the M11-P and M11 Monochrome, which is very convenient. However, exposure compensation is essential when shooting with multiple lights, and dial operation after seamlessly switching to manual mode is comfortable.

  • Por Item

    Its really a pro item tham makes your super help by using it

  • The best equipment

    I continue to use successive wireless commanders, and I like them regardless of whether they are new or old. Although this new model is larger, it has good visibility and is very useful when lighting with multiple lights.

  • Best trigger

    Easiest config… brainless!! Works flawlessly with B10X and A2 flashes. And get HSS too which you dont get with other triggers.

  • Profoto Connect Pro with Canon 5dmarkIV

    It is certainly an important evolution compared to previous triggers: simple, intuitive even if still quite large. I would have sacrificed the 100 points on each channel with the possibility of controlling the pilot light in free mode. Furthermore, I don't really understand if there is full compatibility with my Canon 5D MarkIV

  • Important help for Leica Users!

    Apart from doing what it is supposed to do, it is clean, stylish, small enough to be carried on your camera, in short: a great tool!

  • Big improvement from Air Remote TTL

    After using Air Remote TTL for Sony for some years, I always had a problem with how it connected to the camera, leading to connectivity problems many times, where I had to hand hold it firmly on the hot shoe to reconnect and fire. The new Connect Pro, apart from all the new extended abilities it offers, it has a much better overall design and specifically at the hot shoe, so it locks firmly in place with all my Sony camera bodies.

  • Expensive and faulty design

    It is absurd that after redesigning this trigger, it’s even worst than before at keeping a connection with the strobe unit when close to it, it simply won’t trigger at all, just as the old unit did, it’s just that in this one, the situation is even worst

  • New Toys for Me.

    I love the Profoto Connect Pro. I have had three air Remote TTL units and i just want to up grade to one of the Connect pros, now that i have used it, I will be getting two more. This unit took me about two minutes to start working. I love that i can see what my profoto A2 units are set at. And it still work with my older profoto units. Good job profoto….

  • Connect Pro pretty good but silly case

    This is actually a review of the Connect Pro Case, which is way too small. Which leads to damaged corners of my Connect Pro after a while. Sorry, not for a premium product.




Profoto Connect Pro(Canon 用)

製品番号: 901321

Profotoシステムへのゲートウェイ。Connect Pro は、100 チャンネル、各6グループを搭載しています。3つのグループは TTL用、残りの3つは MAN(マニュアル)用で、シーンを最適にコントロールすることができます。大きな画面と直感的なインタフェースにより、各種設定に簡単にアクセスでき、画面上では設定内容を絶対出力値で確認できます。Profoto Control アプリをダウンロードすると、iPad、iPhone、または Androidスマートフォンから設定内容を確認できます。Profoto の Bluetooth 対応テクノロジー AirX は、100mの範囲で、離れた場所からの撮影を可能にします。充電式電池でアクティブな作業時間を増やし、Profoto AirXによる自動ファームウェア・アップデートで常に最新の状態に保つことができます。

100チャンネルと絶対出力値のコントロールモードは、Profoto AirX Bluetooth 対応デバイスとProfoto D2 フラッシュシリーズでのみご利用いただけます。

  • 大型ディスプレイによる直感的なインタフェース
  • カメラのホットシューを介して接続
  • 100チャンネル、各6グループ搭載
  • バッテリー寿命の延長
  • Profoto AirX によるシームレスなファームウェアアップデート
  • iPad、iPhone、Android スマートフォンのProfoto Control アプリからグループコントロールが可能
  • TTL 自動調光機能で得られた適正露出値を引き継ぎ、TTL モードからMAN(マニュアル)モードへ切り替えが可能
  • シンクロとリモートコントロール(0.5〜100m 範囲)
  • アルカリ電池、リチウム電池、または充電式単4電池を使用可能
Air Remotes
Profoto ワイヤレスフラッシュトリガー
Profoto 製ストロボを発光させ撮影を行うためには、 まず Profoto リモートが必要です。リモートによって、素早く適正露出を取得し、撮影位置からライト設定をリモートコントロールして、ワイヤレスで発光させることができます。


  • その他

    Battery hatch Connect Pro



    9,00 €

