Profoto A1 - The world's smallest studio light | Profoto (BG)
Quick tips

How-to videos for the A1

The Profoto A1 is incredibly easy to use, either on its own or in combination with multiple flashes. Wherever you are in the world, you’ll have all you need to take your creativity to the next level.

Quick tips on the Profoto A1 How to get started with the Profoto A1 Duo Kit

How to get started with the Profoto A1 Duo Kit

US-based photographer Sal Cincotta walks through the basics of shooting with two A1s
Quick tips for the Profoto A1 How and when to use manual or TTL mode – Part 1

How and when to use manual or TTL mode – Part 1

Sal Cincotta outlines how to streamline your workflow with TTL – work faster and easier
Quick tips for the Profoto A1 How and when to use manual or TTL mode – Part 2

How and when to use manual or TTL mode – Part 2

Sal Cincotta unveils the flexibility of manual mode – capture the mood you want in your images
Quick tips for the Profoto A1 How to create powerful portraits using Profoto B1X with Profoto A1

How to create powerful portraits using Profoto B1X with Profoto A1

Sal Cincotta shares tips and tricks for creating bold, dynamic portraits with the A1 together with other Profoto lights