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20 レビュー
  • Optimaler Blitz

    Der kleine, leichte Blitzkopf ist ideal für „on Location“ mit Reise- oder Handstativen. Der kleine Generator dient dabei als „Sandsack“ für die Stabilität. Absolut zuverlässige, konstante Technik, mit TTL und HSS. Der mögliche, 2. Blitzkopf, am selben Generator, kann sehr hilfreich sein für kreative Lichtsetzung. Ein komplettes Studio für kleine Orte. Die Leistung ist manchmal grenzwertig. Ich mag den B2 on Location mehr als die B10 Serie.

  • B2 + Ring Flash

    This is the best Profoto purchase I’ve ever had. Versatile with my custom ring flash. Yes a Profoto Ring Flash with my B2

  • Amazing Remote Product

    Took it to Southeast Kenya and had a great time using the Location Kit Indeed!!

  • FirstPro light set up

    My very first pro lighting kit. This kit now sets in my cabinet never to be forgotten. but used for special occasions. Love this set of lights.

  • Yes sir

    The Profoto B2 flash system is a work of art that is sure to leave any professional photographer in awe. This revolutionary lighting system boasts of a small size and a sleek design that makes it perfect for photographers who are always on the move. Its compact and lightweight design makes it easy to pack and transport, making it ideal for outdoor photo shoots and location shoots. One of the major benefits of the Profoto B2 flash system is its small size. It is incredibly portable, which means that you can take it with you wherever you go. This makes it an excellent choice for photographers who are always on the move, whether it is for indoor studio shoots or outdoor location shoots. The Profoto B2 system's small size also makes it easy to use in tight spaces, giving photographers the flexibility they need to get the perfect shot. However, while the Profoto B2 flash system is perfect for photographers who value portability and convenience, it does come with some limitations when it comes to power. If you require an extremely powerful flash, then the Profoto B2 may not be the best choice for you. While it is powerful enough to get the job done in most situations, it may struggle to produce enough light in certain conditions. Overall, the Profoto B2 flash system is a masterpiece of design and engineering that is perfect for photographers who value portability and convenience. Its small size makes it easy to transport and use in tight spaces, while its sleek design and powerful light output make it an excellent choice for professional photography. However, if you need a lot of power for your photography, you may need to consider other options

  • There is no product that can replace this

    Especially when used outdoors. Even if I use weights, I would like to avoid top-heavy, just in case. This B2 excels at that. In addition, the generator is also excellent because it can be used as a substitute for weight. I have several of these sets. It has one generator per lamp to use 250w of light. However, although it will be 125w, when you want to use multiple lighting in an emergency, each can be used as two lights, so this is also excellent.

  • Great,light weight and portable head and pack system

    The B2 is amazing. It was my first studio light and I still use it today. The light weight head can go in so may places because of its size even with the cord. These lights work seamlessly with my new Profoto lights: B10, B10 Plus and A2s. I realize this light has been discontinued but I hope Profoto puts out a firmware updates so they can integrate even better with the new Pro Connect trigger.

  • Profiting B2

    Love it for the portability and power, Have been using this kit every day from when it first came out.

  • Still Lighting my World

    The B2 was my second Profoto lighting system to add to our gear locker. I still use it today along with B1 & B10. They simply work putting beautiful where I point them! Moose Peterson

  • Eine leichte professionelle Ausrüstung

    Die B2 Blitze sind wie alles von Profoto sehr gute professionelle Blitze, sie sind sehr leicht und handlich in Umgang und trotzdem einfach zu bedienen.

  • The best upgrade for portable flash

    After using the Norman 400b flashes for years and I couldn't find a replacement that will come close to the same quality of light. The speedlight flashes don't come even close on reliability, quality and capacity. The Profoto B2 it's the best replacement as far of light quality, plus gaining the modern technology and features such as TTL and HSS.

  • Used was cheap

    This is my third unit…

  • Fantástico

    the light for me similar to the solar

  • B2 duo

    very dependable. Ease of use.

  • Little wonder

    This B2 is a great tool … very versatile. Use on a bracket on my camera. The quality of the light is great , the TTL system works perfectly . I have 2 of these units to gvie me flexibility or doubling to get a 500 WS when needed . Highly portable , the heads are very light , thanks Profoto. I strongly believe there is a market for this product. Hint!!!

  • Amazing portable miniflash!

    I find a small, rugged and higlyperforming flash in the B2. It is potent, strong and easy to work with. I really recommend the B2

  • Little Gem

    Excellent , this small unit is highly flexible , powerful enough with veery light head which make it possible to set up on a flash bracket attached to my camera .. A dream Machine . The quality of light is great , the TTL is accurate and consistent on the same subject , recycling is fast …. With the OCF II gel holder , it’s very fast to gel during wedding reception … I like it so much that this one is my second unit. I did not try yet to Use both units shooting in the same umbrella to provide me with a power of 500W/s. This is part of my test when my agenda will clear-up . I which this would upgradeable to X so that can benefit from the Profoto Connect application ..

  • Light Quality , Consistency , Ease of Use and portability

    This is a dream living in the Profoto world , I did get 2 units to supplement my 2 A10X. I like these small units , OK , bigger that the B10 but fits well my needs at a fraction of the cost. Light Quality , coverage and consistency are fantastic , even in rapid firing. Shots per battery are OK , could be better but with my 2 units , I have 4 batteries . The ease of use with is a great plus too. This is very efficient when shooting . Sorry , no bleue tooth with iPhone Connect application, air remotes compensate well. I should have move sooner to profoto. One more point about mount for modifier . What a treat to have the same mount on all units ( including A10X with the OCF bracket . Well done Profoto.

  • Love it!

    This is my first Profoto product and I am in love. I am now saving up for the B10 lineup!

  • Very good item

    It’s very good item, I can’t understand why not continued. Just I missed is version 600 Ws like Acute 600. 250ws is mostly too lest for me. But I like generator system more than moonlight because of less weight of heads.




製品番号: 901108

汎用性の高いバッテリー式のB2は、ロケ撮影で最大限の持ち運びやすさを発揮します。B2は、平均的なオンカメラ・フラッシュの5倍の出力を誇るパワフルな機材です。使いやすさと持ち運びやすさを第一に設計されたOCF ライトシェーピングツールと併用することでさらに表現の幅が広がります。

小型で軽量設計のジェネレーターとヘッドを使用すると、常に一歩先の行動が可能になります。ハンディーなキャリングバッグにすっぽりと収まるサイズで、重量はわずか2 kgです。 B2は最も注目に値する携帯型フラッシュです。難しいライティング条件でも最大限の明るさを放つ自動TTL撮影機能と、日光の中でも光をコントロールし、形作ることができるHSS機能を搭載しています。オンカメラでもオフカメラでも、どんな状況にも対応できます。制約なく自由に撮影し、思いのままに動き回ることができるので、柔軟性が第一に求められる忙しい撮影や、アシスタントがいない撮影に最適です。

  • TTLモード、マニュアルモードでの撮影。その他のTTL機能搭載ストロボとのワイヤレスな接続。
  • 平均的なスピードライトの5倍の250Wsの高出力を誇り、出力レンジも9 f-stopと幅広くなっています。
  • 充電式リチウムイオンバッテリーが搭載されており、1回の充電で、最高出力で最大215回まで発光できます。
  • 最高秒間20連射、最高1/15,000秒の閃光時間、0.05-1.35秒の高速リサイクルタイム。
  • HSSで周辺光をコントロールし、最高1/8,000秒のシャッター速度でメリハリの効いた写真を撮影。
  • オプションのAir Remoteを使用し、最大300 m離れた場所からワイヤレスでコントロール可能。
  • 内蔵リフレクターと9W LEDモデリングライトを使用して、ライトの優れたコントロールとクオリティを発揮。
  • ヘッドには着脱式スタンドマウントが付いており、完全に独立調光可能な2個の出力部があります。
  • 大型ダイヤル付きの直感的で優れたインターフェイスの高解像度画面。
  • プロフォトのコンパクトかつ軽量なOCF ライトシェーピングツールをはじめ、120種類を超えるプロフォトの幅広いライトシェーピングツールを取り付けることが可能。
Studio Packs
Profoto's generators for high-end studio shoots
When you’re shooting a big commercial assignment or heavy pack-shot session, you need high-end generators that you can rely on. Delivering impressive power, speed and consistency, our Pro System packs are ideal for large shoots in studio and on location.
Learn more


  • ビューティーディッシュ

    OCF ビューティーディッシュ ホワイト




    158,99 €

