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Filtros de Gel

Profoto Clic Gel

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11 opiniones
  • Sunfire yellow

    When trying to create a capture of sunset and warm feeling - the perfect tool.

    febrero de 2023
  • Clic gel

    Great item ! Thank you!

    enero de 2023
  • The delivery is so fast!

    It’s a joy to order an important piece of lighting equipment online and then have it 36hours later! Great service

    noviembre de 2022
  • A very good surprise.

    I love how it compensate the warm light of a room illuminated with tungsten like sources.

    agosto de 2022
  • Excellent!

    I love it! A great gadget for portraits fotos

    agosto de 2022

    Very happy with my purchase, excellent quality and the magnetic attachment makes it quick and simple to use.

    julio de 2022
  • Very useful

    I like the gels, easy to use, great colour accents. But a case or end caps for them would help with transport. I have caps for other Clic products and would purchase others if I could find them.

    mayo de 2022
  • Ok

    Increíble el resultado

    abril de 2022
  • The profoto color filters are great

    I use color filters frequently and just switched to profoto from the most popular brand coming out of china. That meant I either had to mash a magnet system on the A10 or use the native profoto filters, and I opted for native because it was just easier. I'm so happy that I did, the magnets on these guys are PERFECT. They sit perfectly on my lights, the colors are great, it's just easy to use them and keep a minimal setup. They are much more robust that the other brands of filters. Seriously, I drop them frequently as I usually am shooting environmental portraits and running around on cliffs and stuff. They hit the rock, no problem! I highly recommend using these modifiers if they are in your budget.

    octubre de 2021
  • Profoto Clic Gel

    The gels work wery well on my A1:s. The strong magnets keep them securely on the flash but still easy to mount and unmount.

    mayo de 2021
  • To expensive

    I expected more for this price.

    octubre de 2020

Compatible con:


Clic Gel Rose Pink

Juega con los colores
Número del producto: 101012

El modelado de la luz es esencial para crear imágenes espectaculares. Las Clic light shaping tools de Profoto ofrecen múltiples posibilidades creativas con todos los flashes de la serie A. Cada una de ellas consigue un efecto de luz único.

Los Clic Gels añaden bonitos colores a tus imágenes. Rose Pink, Peacock Blue, Yellow, Scarlet, Jade, Light Lavender, y Blue: todos están diseñados para conseguir efectos cromáticos divertidos y creativos. Full CTO, Half CTO, Quarter CTO, Quarter CTB, y Half Plus Green están diseñados principalmente para equilibrar de forma natural la luz creada con la luz ambiental como la hora dorada, la hora azul o la luz fluorescente.

Los Clic Gels se acoplan y desacoplan de la montura magnética de los flashes con un solo clic. Puedes juntar diferentes filtros y combinar dos colores para obtener un tercero, o acoplarlos a su vez a otras herramientas de modelado de luz compatibles para multiplicar las posibilidades creativas.

  • Montura magnética de fácil enganche
  • Se puede acoplar a las herramientas de modelado de luz compatibles
Profoto's modifiers for color correction and creativity
Gels are the perfect modifiers for taking control of and enhancing colors in photography, enabling you to inject tints and creativity into any lighting setup.
Learn more

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