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Profoto C1 Plus

選択済みProfoto C1 Plus


123 レビュー
  • An amazing little light

    After a long time looking for them, I could buy 3 of these light lights. The size, portability and versatility makes it so handy on very tight space situations. It's not so powerful on daylight, but when you are using high ISO and shooting at night, it makes a huge difference and so much fun to play with. A great addition to my Profoto arsenal of great lights.

  • Amazing flash

    Just used it for the first time at my Nieces birthday and it’s super simple and amazing to use. Shame it’s discontinued.

  • Neat but discontinued

    Love this with the phone for night time shots, syncs ok with AirTTL, and wish the power level would go below 4.0 for strobe. That said, this item is no longer made so this review is kinda irrelevant.

  • Superb little flash

    It works with an iPhone!!! So easy to use in auto or manual mode. Because you use it close the lighting is very flattering and controllable. One thing with the app it would be useful to use the macro and it only take 12mp files not 48mp.

  • Great Lightning tool - but no longer available :(

    I love the size and performance and would buy it again. But it isn’t available any more!

  • Set off time

    It would be better if the continuous light has a set off time!

  • Nice flash for iphone but wish can use it on my androi phone too

    I like the concept of this small led flash. make my iphone 13 pic more beautiful. but i wish i can use this on my android device as well. hope profoto will consider to make it happen. And for the future.. i hope there will be real flash in this compact body, it will be awesome.

  • Amazing

    Very cool. easy conect&high quality

  • C1 Plus

    I find this item to be an excellent supplement to my IPhone. Easy to carry, to use. No more mediocre photos.

  • Profoto C1 Plus

    A very good tool for lighting.

  • Fantástico, muy portable y util

    Ideal para reforzar el contraste en fotografías de retrato en primer plano incluso con el móvil, para iluminar algún rincón de la estancia como flash oculto y para bodegón gastro.

  • Perfect for Smartphonephotograpy

    Perfect!! It is absolutely incomprehensible to me that this product is no longer offered!

  • Illuminating Creativity On-The-Go: A Profoto C1 Plus Review

    As a passionate travel and product photographer, I am always on the lookout for innovative tools that can enhance my photography experience. Three months ago, I decided to invest in the Profoto C1 Plus, and overall, it has been a valuable addition to my gear. The Profoto C1 Plus offers a multitude of benefits that have greatly impacted my photography. Its compact and portable design makes it incredibly convenient to carry around during my travels, ensuring that I never miss a perfect shot. The C1 Plus provides consistent and professional-quality lighting in various environments, allowing me to capture stunning images with ease. One of the standout features of the Profoto C1 Plus is its seamless compatibility with smartphones. Through the dedicated Profoto app, I can wirelessly control the C1 Plus, adjusting the intensity, color temperature, and even adding creative light effects. This level of control and convenience has revolutionized the way I work, enabling me to experiment and achieve desired lighting effects effortlessly. The versatility of the Profoto C1 Plus is another aspect that I highly appreciate. Whether I'm shooting portraits, products, or even landscapes, the C1 Plus adapts to my needs seamlessly. Its adjustable power output allows me to find the perfect balance between light and shadow, resulting in captivating and well-exposed photographs. However, it is important to note that the power output of the Profoto C1 Plus can be limiting in certain situations. While it performs admirably in most scenarios, there are instances where I wish it could provide a bit more power to truly illuminate larger spaces or overpower harsh natural light. You have an option now to purchase a Clic Magnum Reflector that adds 1.8 f-stops more effective light output. Otherwise, for those seeking extreme lighting control, it may be necessary to consider other lighting options. Despite this limitation, the Profoto C1 Plus remains a reliable and durable tool. Its robust construction and reliable battery life ensure that it can withstand the rigors of travel and professional use. I have complete confidence in its performance, allowing me to focus solely on capturing the moment. The Profoto C1 Plus has proven to be a valuable asset to my photography journey. Its convenience, compatibility with smartphones, versatility, and durability make it an excellent tool for travel and product photographers. While the power output may have its limitations, the C1 Plus continues to illuminate my creativity on-the-go, enabling me to capture stunning images in various settings.

  • Top!

    I bought the C1plus and it has completely exceeded my expectations. I am very enthusiastic!

  • The best you can have in your pocket

    It was so easy to link to my iPhone; the other night we were entering to an event where it was not allowed to use camera, but I hd this little friend in my pocket and saved the night because it was like shooting with my r5 but with my iPhone with external strobe, the other people was so amazed I was the only one taking pics that came out like profesional

  • Good partner for adding light on the video or photo

    Love its portability and work with the Airttl system of Profoto together. To make some key and pin light.

  • Pocket Light that Works

    It’s not powerful but it is effective. It does what it claims to do and does it well. I use this with the Profoto Connect with my Leica M11 and couldn’t be happier.

  • App sucks

    The app has seroius problem balancing natural light and flash output. Also very non-intuitive app for manual settings.

  • Not for professional use

    In my opinion this was a missed opportunity by profoto in choosing not to make it controllable with a profoto trigger and you can only control the power manually or by smart phone app. This light is perfect for run and gun night life photo’s, parties and clubs and giving an on camera flash look while being much more versatile and lighter weight than a speed light on your camera. If you can get around not being able to control the power and just control it using distance, it’s amazing. Definitely one of kind in terms of its versatility, but could be made much better with a simple firmware update allowing it to be controlled via the connect pro which I’ve been told wont happen

  • Lovely little handheld light

    The Profoto C1 Plus is excellent for candid photography with a smartphone, in particular the iPhone 14. The button on the light fires the shutter on the phone in sync allowing the phone to be steadied with the other hand. I’m enjoying using this handheld light.

  • Portable and useful

    Brilliant for environmental portraits.

  • Splendid tool

    Excellent iPhone extension. Turns smartphone photography into pro experience.

  • Sadly discontinued... but still my favorite Profoto product.

    I love the C1Plus. It is the perfect light for my needs!

  • Lovely discrete piece of kit

    An iPhone, Profoto Camera and this unit are a lovely discrete combo for taking personal photos of wife with fill-in flash eg at lunch, coffee shops etc....lots of control possible, but like big units manual seems to work best. People nearby hardly know you are using flash. The lighting of table top still images of small items (using iPhone Macro capability) look good - I am going to try a reflector now. Overall a nice lightweight prototyping tool, but as it’s low power best to keep distance at 1m or less.

  • New world of experiences

    With the dome you create soft light, without hard light. I love use the continues light also for scanning of documents, as the Led lamps in the room all have yellow touch. I am starting to experiment to bring light to several spots in the foto or create shadows where I want as a strukture.

  • Nice idea

    The C1Plus is an excellent idea but needs some getting used to. I found the light harder than expected and the companion app is good but not on par with some other third party camera apps. Profoto should be applauded for supporting the app (and C1) with regular updates, and praised for providing a flash solution to iPhone.

  • C1 plus

    Great little extra to the set, works great with I phone.

  • Practical handheld flash

    Excellent product- only wish a little stronger lighting!

  • U

    Excellent Flash

  • Excelent light!

    Its a small light, perfect for travel and take better iphone photos with the help of the C1 plus




Profoto C1 Plus

製品番号: 901380

Profoto C1 Plus は、スマートフォン用スタジオライトです。ワンクリックでプロフェッショナルな写真を撮ることができます。Bluetooth 対応テクノロジー AirX でスマートフォンに接続すれば使用できます。オートモードでは、シャッターを切るだけで、撮影環境に合わせて、適正露出や発光量が自動的に設定されます。Profoto アプリでスワイプ操作すれば、ナチュラル 〜 ドラマチックなイメージまで思いのままです。マニュアルモードでは、露出、発光量、色温度の詳細設定が可能です。 手のひらに収まるサイズの Profoto C1 Plus は、どこでも美しい光を演出します。太陽光を再現するラウンドシェイプで、やわらかい減光部を作ります。色温度を広範囲で調整可能で、夜明けから夕暮れまでどの時間帯の光にも合わせることができます。さらに、内蔵のリフレクターやディフューザーが自然なシャドーを作ります。

Profoto C1 Plus はカラーフィルター、グリッド、ドームなどのライトシェーピングツールと組み合わせて使用できるので、創造の可能性が無限に広がります。これらのライトシェーピングツールは、C1 Plus のマグネット式マウントにワンタッチで装着できます。ライトを手持ちして、アングルを自由に変えながら柔軟に撮影することができます。また、三脚ネジ穴(1/4 インチ)を内蔵し、スタンドやアームに固定することもできます。同時に複数のライトを使用できます。C1 Plus は、Profoto AirTTL Remotes と互換性があるため、従来のカメラを使った撮影にもお使いいただけます。

  • 手のひらに収まるポケットサイズ
  • やわらかい減光部と美しい光を作るラウンドシェイプ
  • Clic ライトシェーピングツールをワンタッチで装着可能なマグネット式マウントを採用
  • シャッターを切るだけで自動的に適正露出を得られるオートモードと、自由に調光補正が可能なマニュアルモードを搭載
  • C1 本体のボタンでスマートフォンのカメラのシャッターのトリガーが可能
  • ナチュラル 〜 ドラマチックまでパワーレベルの調整可能(最大 4300 lm)
  • フラッシュまたはフリッカーフリーの定常光で撮影可能
  • 1/4インチの三脚ネジ穴を内蔵
  • 内蔵の充電式リチウムイオンポリマーバッテリーは、フル充電の状態で、フラッシュの場合はフル出力で最大 2,000 回発光、定常光の場合はフル出力で最長 40 分連続使用可能
  • USB-C ケーブル経由で 2 時間でフル充電可能
  • すべての Profoto AirTTL Remotes に対応
  • 演色評価数 90 以上の演色性を備え、太陽光に限りなく近い光を再現


  • カラーフィルター

    Clic CTO キット



    108,99 €
  • カラーフィルター

    Clic 色補正フィルターキット



    159,00 €
  • カラーフィルター

    Clic 色効果フィルターキット



    219,00 €
  • カラーフィルター

    Profoto Clic 色効果フィルターキット




    129,00 €
  • グリッド

    Clic グリッドキット



    85,00 €





