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Profoto Lights. Camera. Action.

For nearly six decades, Profoto has created unparalleled, premium light shaping solutions for the world’s most renowned photographers, driven by an unwavering commitment to perfection and a deep understanding of their needs. Now, this legacy of excellence is brought to the world of cinema and the industry's foremost gaffers and DPs. With a new generation of LED lights, together with a large range of modifiers, we redefine creative possibilities and offer the unmatched reliability and craftsmanship Profoto is known for.  Icons don’t compromise on quality, and neither do we.

Learn more about Profoto's cinema products

An uncompromising light
If there is one thing you can be sure of when it comes to Profoto L1600D for cinema, it's that it is just as uncompromising as you are when it comes to quality. 

Step into a world of limitless creativity
The world renowned Profoto light shaping system offers more than 50 modifiers for film makers. Softboxes, Soft Zoom Reflectors, Beauty Dishes, Hard Reflectors and more.

Meet the new Profoto Barndoor
At Profoto we are constantly building on our system of lights and modifiers. The latest addition to our system is the brand new Profoto Barndoor 234 mm kit.

Buy Profoto's cinema products online

  • new

    Mono LED

    Profoto L1600D


    A 1600 W led light


    75.369,00 kr.
  • new

    Hard Reflectors

    Boost Reflector


    Maximize power output and light throw.


    5.861,25 kr.
  • new


    Barndoor 234 mm Kit


    Barndoor for Profoto L1600

    5.861,25 kr.
  • Hard Reflectors

    Zoom Reflector


    A classic among our light shaping tools


    2.159,00 kr.
  • Hard Reflectors

    Magnum Reflector


    A hard reflector that offers power and finesse


    3.179,00 kr.
  • Hard Reflectors

    WideZoom Reflector


    For a wide and even versatile light with crispness


    4.589,00 kr.
  • Hard Reflectors

    TeleZoom Reflector


    For a directed and even light over large distances


    6.789,00 kr.
  • new

    Hard Reflectors

    Magnum Reflector White


    Gives a softer hard light


    3.179,00 kr.
  • new

    Hard Reflectors

    TeleZoom Reflector White


    For directed and even light


    6.789,00 kr.
  • new

    Hard Reflectors

    Zoom Reflector White


    For a softer hard light


    2.159,00 kr.
  • Hard Reflectors

    NarrowBeam Reflector


    For a focused light beam when used with a ProHeads


    3.259,00 kr.
  • Softboxes

    RFi Softbox 4x6' (120x180cm)


    A popular and versitale softbox

    4.549,00 kr.
  • Softboxes

    RFi Softbox 3x4' (90x120cm)


    A popular and versitale softbox

    3.029,00 kr.
  • Softboxes

    RFi Softbox 2x3' (60x90cm)


    A popular and versitale softbox

    2.269,00 kr.
  • Softboxes

    RFi Softbox 1.3x2' (40x60cm)


    A popular and versitale softbox

    1.399,00 kr.
  • Softboxes

    RFi Softbox 1x1.3' (30x40cm)


    A popular and versitale softbox

    1.109,00 kr.
  • Softboxes

    RFi Softbox 3x3' (90x90cm)


    Ideal for portraits and product photography

    2.559,00 kr.
  • Softboxes

    RFi Softbox 2x2' (60x60cm)


    Ideal for portraits and product photography

    1.949,00 kr.
  • Softboxes

    RFi Softbox 5' (150cm) Octa


    Ideal for flattering portraits

    3.469,00 kr.
  • Softboxes

    RFi Softbox 4' (120cm) Octa


    Ideal for flattering portraits

    2.959,00 kr.
  • Softboxes

    RFi Softbox 3' (90cm) Octa


    Ideal for flattering portraits

    2.339,00 kr.
  • Softboxes

    RFi Softbox 1x6' (30x180cm)


    Ideal for edge or rim lighting

    3.179,00 kr.
  • Softboxes

    RFi Softbox 1x4' (30x120cm)


    Ideal for edge or rim lighting

    2.269,00 kr.
  • Softboxes

    RFi Softbox 1x3' (30x90cm)


    Ideal for edge or rim lighting

    1.949,00 kr.
  • new


    Profoto Softbox 3' (90cm) Octa Silver


    Ideal for flattering portraits

    3.799,00 kr.
  • new


    Profoto Softbox 4' (120cm) Octa Silver


    Ideal for flattering portraits

    4.249,00 kr.
  • new


    Profoto Softbox 2x3' (60x90cm) Silver


    Soft light with precision and versatility

    3.799,00 kr.
  • new


    Profoto Softbox 3x4' (90x120cm) Silver


    Soft light with precision and versatility

    4.249,00 kr.
  • Softboxes

    Profoto Softbox 1x4' (30x120cm) Silver


    Ideal for edge or rim lighting

    3.799,00 kr.
  • Soft Reflectors

    Soft Zoom Reflector 120


    From soft to hard light and everything in between

    20.099,00 kr.
  • Soft Reflectors

    Soft Zoom Reflector 180


    From soft to hard light and everything in between

    24.119,00 kr.
  • new


    Barndoor 234 mm


    Barndoor for Fresnel Small


    4.189,00 kr.
  • Umbrellas

    Umbrella Deep Translucent L


    A versatile and zoomable umbrella for a diffused light

    1.949,00 kr.
  • Umbrellas

    Umbrella Deep Translucent XL


    A versatile and zoomable umbrella for a diffused light

    2.959,00 kr.
  • Umbrellas

    Umbrella Deep White L


    A versatile and zoomable umbrella for a softer light

    2.409,00 kr.
  • Umbrellas

    Umbrella Deep White XL


    A versatile and zoomable umbrella for a softer light

    3.179,00 kr.
  • Umbrellas

    Umbrella Deep Silver L


    A versatile tool for a softer light

    2.339,00 kr.
  • Umbrellas

    Umbrella Deep Silver XL


    A versatile tool for a softer light

    3.319,00 kr.
  • Barndoors

    Barndoor 337 mm


    For Magnum. Telezoom and NorrowBeam reflectors


    7.849,00 kr.
  • Barndoors

    Barndoor for Zoom Reflector


    Control and flag off light from the Zoom Reflector


    2.269,00 kr.
  • Collapsible Reflectors

    Collapsible Reflector Silver/White M


    For bouncing flash or sunlight

    749,00 kr.
  • Collapsible Reflectors

    Collapsible Reflector Silver/White L


    For bouncing flash or sunlight

    1.109,00 kr.
  • Collapsible Reflectors

    Collapsible Reflector SunSilver/White M


    For bouncing flash or sunlight

    749,00 kr.
  • Collapsible Reflectors

    Collapsible Reflector SunSilver/White L


    For bouncing flash or sunlight

    1.109,00 kr.
  • Collapsible Reflectors

    Collapsible Reflector Gold/White M


    For bouncing flash or sunlight

    749,00 kr.
  • Collapsible Reflectors

    Collapsible Reflector Gold/White L


    For bouncing flash or sunlight

    1.109,00 kr.
  • Collapsible Reflectors

    Collapsible Reflector Black/White M


    For bouncing or flagging flash or sunlight

    749,00 kr.
  • Collapsible Reflectors

    Collapsible Reflector Black/White L


    For bouncing or flagging flash or sunlight

    1.109,00 kr.
  • Snoots

    Snoot for Zoom Reflector


    A snoot used with the standard Zoom Reflector

    1.619,00 kr.