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Light Modifiers

Light modifiers can really improve your lighting and help you create just the kind of mood you're looking for. Profoto is a world leader not only when it comes to flashes, but also when it comes to light modifiers. There are more than 150 available, each with their own distinct effect on light and how it is distributed.

233 items
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    Clic Softbox 1x3' (30x90cm)


    Ideal for edge or rim lighting

    364,99 €
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    Clic Softgrid 1x3'


    Limits the light spread from your Clic Softbox

    141,31 €
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    Accessories for Softboxes

    Clic Stripmask 1x3’


    Creates an even narrower highlight for your Clic Softbox

    100,65 €
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    Barndoor 234 mm Kit


    Barndoor for Profoto L1600

    779,58 €
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    Barndoor 234 mm


    Barndoor for Fresnel Small

    547,99 €
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    Hard Reflectors

    Boost Reflector Kit


    Maximize power output and light throw.

    779,58 €
  • Hard Reflectors

    Zoom Reflector White


    For a softer hard light

    288,74 €
  • Fresnels

    Fresnel Small


    Focused and direct light

    1 621,59 €
  • Fresnels

    ProFresnel Spot


    Creates a gorgeous movie light

    2 952,40 €
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    Profoto Softbox 2x3' (60x90cm) Silver


    Soft light with precision and versatility

    503,25 €
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    Profoto Softbox 3x4' (90x120cm) Silver


    Soft light with precision and versatility

    558,15 €
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    Profoto Softbox 3' (90cm) Octa Silver


    Ideal for flattering portraits

    503,25 €
    Compatible products
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