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7 items
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  • Mannequins

    Magic Mannequin II Torso Female


    Useful tool for studio and e-commerce shoots

    1 134,60 €
  • Mannequins

    Magic Mannequin II Torso Male


    Useful tool for studio and e-commerce shoots

    1 134,60 €
  • Mannequins

    Magic Mannequin II Legs Female


    Useful tool for studio and e-commerce shoots

    939,40 €
  • Mannequins

    Magic Mannequin II Legs Male


    Useful tool for studio and e-commerce shoots

    939,40 €
  • Accessories for Vertical

    Wheelstand for Magic Mannequin

    671,00 €
  • Accessories for Vertical

    Caddy with short fixture

    3 538,00 €
  • Accessories for Vertical

    Caddy with tall fixture

    3 538,00 €