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Profoto Vertical

High-speed mannequin photography

For ghost-mannequin packshots at scale

Profoto StyleShoots Vertical streamlines the e-commerce content creation of standardized mannequin packshots and hanging flat lays with effortless speed. Designed for fashion apparel photography, Vertical ensures an efficient studio workflow for a fast time-to-market while delivering professional-quality mannequin images at scale.


✔   Ideal for standardized high-volume content production

✔   Ideal for teams seeking a user-friendly content creation experience

✔   Best for achieving consistent, high-quality results quickly

Technical specifications

Get to know Vertical in less than 2 minutes


Consistent mannequin packshots fast and easy

Speed up your time-to-market
Vertical accelerates your mannequin product photography with ease and efficiency. Vertical’s magnetic docking station for mannequins allows for highly repeatable results, allowing you to get your visuals online quickly.

Consistent output at scale
Achieve consistent, high-quality hollow-man packshots with the help of smart lighting presets and our superlight mannequins. The integrated Canon EOS camera ensures quality mannequin packshots that perfectly showcase your products.

As easy to use as a smartphone 
Designed for ease of use, Vertical allows a stylist to manage the entire shoot with minimal training. The intuitive system simplifies product photography, making pro-quality content creation accessible for teams with limited experience.

Discover Vertical

Profoto Magic Mannequins

Super light mannequins optimized for e-commerce styling

Our modular mannequins have removable pieces to cater to various e-commerce content needs and feature a premium finish designed for improved lighting and reflectivity. Create invisible mannequin packshots easily and quickly, with a minimum need for post-production. All mannequins are compatible with Profoto StyleShoots Vertical Caddies and our separate Wheelstands for any existing studio setup.

Software that supercharges your studio

Seamlessly integrated with Profoto hardware, the ProStudio software suite is designed to support you from planning to post-production.

Effortlessly plan your shoots and prepare product samples in advance to deliver top-quality results.

Capture your content with precision using ProStudio's seamless integration with Profoto hardware.

With ProStudio you easily centralize your content for post-production and final distribution.

Find the solution that suits your needs

Profoto Light shaping for mannequin photography
A customizable solution for on-mannequin shoots consisting of Profoto lights, light shaping tools, and accessories.

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