Profoto Softgrid オクタ型
Profoto ソフトボックスの光の拡散を制限
£139.00Love this modifier. Easy to set up and well made. This Modifier makes using a med to large modifier so easy and great for travel.
Luis P.
Great solution. It unfolds and folds quickly without the inconvenient insertion of rods and you no longer need to remember about the speedring. However, at this price the set should include sotgrid,
Jan C.
I have always used umbrellas since soft boxes are so time consuming to assemble and take down. But this is a game changer! Quick and easy, great light, and very well made. Highly recommended.
Brian P.
I have always used umbrellas because it is such a pain to set up and take down a soft box. But this is a game changer! Extremely well made, quick to set up and take down, and provides perfect light. Very highly recommended.
Brian P.
With a body weight of 1.2kg and a folding mechanism, this softbox is extremely lightweight convenient to use with the B10X.However, there is a little slight unevenness in the light intensity between the center and the periphery, which is not seen in conventional octaboxes. Traditional octaboxes are more lighter, but require eight rods to be attached to the speed ring and take longer to assemble and disassemble. The tag that says "Made in Korea" suggests that SMDV may be his OEM manufacturer for Profoto. I owned the SMDV Flip36Pro softbox (90cm), but the Profoto brand softbox (90cm) has a special mount, so it feels a little lighter, and the mounting part seems to be more rigid. Even if brand recognition, reliability, and customer support are good, it is questionable that the price difference is twice as high.
剛毅 相.
So much easier to use than any other soft box. Produces great light. Only reason not 5 stars is price too high, but so is all Profoto gear. Maybe its worth it?
Charles K.
This is a really good larger version of the Clic Softbox, very quick and easy to work with. But, and this goes for a lot of equipment, please test them in winter with gloves on and see if locks, knobs and other stuff are as easy to work with as they are with just fingers.
Stefan T.
amazing speed ! i like it .
Manfred K.
If you like simple then this is it. Made to Profoto standard and just simple quick and easy to put up and take down. Messing about is zero.
Chris H.
Profoto ソフトボックス オクタ型は、スピードリング搭載により、わずか数秒でセットアップでき、驚くほどやわらかい光を作り出します。ポートレート撮影において、円形の形状が被写体の目に自然なキャッチライトを作り出します。オクタ型は、すべての面で均等にやわらかい/硬いエッジを演出するため、ファッション、美容、ポートレート撮影に最適です。
オールインワンマウントデザインを特長とする Profoto ソフトボックス オクタ型は、驚くほど簡単にセットアップでき、素早く折り畳み/展開することができます。さらに、取り外し可能かつ交換可能なディフューザーを通じて、光のやわらかさと強度を調整できます。入り込んだフロント部が自然な光を均等に分散させ、耐熱性があるため、ハロゲンを定常光として使用するフラッシュ(最大500Wハロゲン)にも対応します。
さまざまなアクセサリーにも対応する Profoto ソフトボックス オクタ型は、ライティングを正確にコントロールしたいフォトグラファーに真に創造的な自由を提供します。
注:ProHead を出力レベル 10 (2400 Ws)で使用し、定常光(500W)をフルエフェクトで使用する場合、スピードリングが熱くなりすぎて触れなくなるのを防ぐため、1 分間に最大 8 回までのフラッシュを推奨します