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Profoto D2

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61 recensioni
  • Great lights - terrible service

    Ive written this three times, only for the field to clear itself. I just spent $1500 servicing two of these lights to fix an issue with the modeling lights not turning on. This is nearly the price you can buy two new lights. Ive just received them back with the two modeling lights(brand new) sent back broken. So now the price of fixing these is $1700. You can buy a set of two of these on B&H for $1700. This is soo frusterating from a consumer point of view.

    febbraio 2025
  • Good service. Lack of urgencey

    Repair was made , however we emphasized the urgency for the priority return after repair, but item was shipped economy instead of priority which held up our operation for 3 extra days

    novembre 2024
  • Great flash unit

    Works great both for manual and TTL. Fast ready time.

    novembre 2024
  • Amazing!

    Simple to use, powerful and with a spectacular reload speed.

    luglio 2024
  • D2s are great, but not this one. Returned - intermittent firing

    I bought this used from a reliable dealer. Unfortunately, it would not fire each time, and I had to send it back. This is the 2nd D2 I bought from them. My first was purchased used 2 years ago and it's a great light without issues. I really appreciate the 1/8" sync port as a backup option. This was a thoughtless omission by Profoto in the newer B10X Plus units I also own (bought new).

    luglio 2024
  • Worked once, then never again

    Moonlight only lasted one shoot before it stopped firing. Have reached out for assistance for repair and waiting for response from Profoto for repair, havn’t heard anything back yet

    giugno 2024
  • Profoto d2 1000

    Very powerful, used in Freeze mode for dance photography// Campaign National Opera and Ballet. I used other brands but Profoto is really the best and the most reliable one!

    giugno 2024
  • Very Happy That I Made The Move!

    I finally upgraded from the D1 Non Air to the D2 Air after 10 years. My only question is why did I wait so long. These new lights are fantastic. The light is evenly distributed after having shot over a 175 portraits in one shoot coupled with the fact that I no longer need my Pocket Wizards or Light Meter saves me a ton of time. Shooting using TTL makes all the difference. The hefty price tag was well worth the investment giving the results of each image-I couldn’t be happier, Thank you Profoto for increasing my keeper rate and for all the accolades that I am receiving from clients and those who view the finished product. Best Regards, Marty C.

    maggio 2024
  • Very bad experience with Profoto

    We brought this light for our Premium Fashion Photography Studio. Within 7-8 months the light has started giving troubles. The service centre is asking for tonnes of money to repair. Very arrogant attitude and not at all customer friendly. 3 Lakh Indian Rupees gone down the drain. We have been using Elinchrom lights for 8+ years without any fault or problems. We were planning to buy more Profoto gear but given the current scenario, we are considering switching to Indian and Chinese lighting companies, which are more affordable and customer friendly..

    aprile 2024
  • D2

    This is as good as the old time Profoto lights but the advantage of TTL technology. The 1000Ws is needed to take the full advantage of High Speed Sync. I Profoto had one 1000Ws battery powered unit too.

    marzo 2024
  • Speedy delivery

    The product received was in mint condition and shipping is very fast across boarder to Canada

    febbraio 2024
  • Great but not perfect

    A very good lamp, but it has some drawbacks - a weak cooling system. it often overheats when using the modeling light. where other companies can shine even a few hours continuously, profoto fails here

    gennaio 2024
  • The Best Studio Lights!

    The D2 models have always been my go-to for studio photography. They're super fast and are perfect for capturing every moment when doing portraits/ commercial model photography as well as reliable for shooting products and still life. I know it's a heft price, but you truly are paying for what you get with Profoto. I like to call it the Apple of photo equipment. The D2s are a workhorse and they never let you down. Consider it a one-time investment for true peace of mind on important shoot days. Highly recommend these and Profoto accessories.

    gennaio 2024
  • Great quality lights

    Great source of light for stopping action. Bought 2 x 500ws and 1 x 1000ws and so satisfied with them. Great design and construction, easy and intuitive to use, powerful and fast recycle time, incredible quality of the light with Profoto light modifiers. Profoto are the best !

    dicembre 2023
  • Fast & Robust

    Love the D2. Charges super fast for another powerful flash, so you can keep on shooting and catch every movement. The design is robust and clean and the light works perfectly in combination with the various Profoto modifiers.

    dicembre 2023
  • Pro

    Beautiful & durable product design, consistent output, easy to use controls and light modification.. 10/10 would recommend choosing this flash.

    novembre 2023
  • Best Compact flash I ever used

    Very fast but small and perfectly shaped - for me one of the best professional light tools I ever used.

    novembre 2023
  • All perfect!

    Amazing quality and design

    novembre 2023
  • Excellent!

    I am very happy with the D2 . It has all of the speed and power I need in my various assignments as a commercial photographer. The addition of air2 to the latest firmware brings the fixture to the same level of connectivity as the latest lights like my b10x pluses ✅ now using my connect or pro connect I can see and control the power perfectly!

    novembre 2023
  • D2

    Love these new d2 strobes!! So efficient!!

    novembre 2023
  • Blazing fast

    Easy to use and blazing fast recycle time.

    ottobre 2023
  • The best


    settembre 2023
  • Reliable and sturdy build

    Reliable, great and sturdy build and easygoing, and of course a lot of accessorises, light shapers and similar.

    settembre 2023
  • perfect mono head for studio photography

    perfect mono head for studio photography

    settembre 2023
  • The Best

    Fast, accurate and intuitive. A tank!!

    settembre 2023
  • Repair

    With the exception of not being able to “SPEAK” with a person/body I would say it was good. Everything was in writing unless they contacted me. The service was done quickly and my product was returned the same way I sent it. Thank you!

    settembre 2023
  • Repair

    With the exception of not being able to “SPEAK” with a person/body I would say it was good. Everything was in writing unless they contacted me. The service was done quickly and my product was returned the same way I sent it. Thank you!

    settembre 2023
  • Can’t get better than this

    I love it and I am not able to purchase 3 more due to its unavailability 🥲

    agosto 2023
  • Its fantastic!

    Intuite and profesional

    agosto 2023
  • Its fantastic!

    Intuite and profesional

    agosto 2023

Compatibile con:


D2 500 AirTTL

Sempre a tutta velocità
Codice prodotto: 901012-EUR

Il D2 di Profoto compatto è un flash eccellente per tutti i tipi di fotografia. Che si tratti di ritratti, sport, cibo o moda, nessuna azione è troppo veloce e nessun lavoro troppo difficile. Congela l’azione con una perfetta messa a fuoco e scatta con sequenze estremamente veloci. Utilizza TTL per puntare e scattare facilmente o usa HSS per dare forma all’intensa luce diurna. Potente e facile da usare, il D2 garantisce affidabilità, coerenza della temperatura colore ed è uno strumento ideale per scatti ad alti volumi. Con un ampio assortimento di più di 120 Light Shaping Tool tra cui scegliere, il D2 assicura ai fotografi che desiderano il migliore light shaping di alta gamma, un risultato eccellente in un prodotto estremamente rapido e versatile.

  • Compatta e leggera.
  • Congela l’istante con una durata del flash fino a 1/63.000 s.
  • Cattura l’azione con sequenze estremamente rapide fino a 20 flash al secondo.
  • Scatta con AirTTL o in modalità manuale e collegati wireless con altri flash Profoto Air.
  • Goditi la precisione e il controllo su una potenza regolabile di 10 f-stop disponibile nelle versioni da 500 Ws e 1000 Ws.
  • Controlla la luce naturale con HSS e crea immagini croccanti senza sfocatura dovuta al movimento, con velocità di esposizione fino a 1/8.000 s.
  • Garantisce controllo e qualità della luce eccellenti con il suo reflector integrato e la lampada pilota alogena da 300 W.
  • Può essere controllato in modalità wireless da una distanza massima di 300 m con qualunque Air Remote opzionale.
  • Interfaccia semplice e intuitiva con ampio schermo ad alta risoluzione.
  • Disponibile bulbo flash al quarzo opzionale per fotografia commerciale a elevato volume.
  • Compatibile con oltre 120 Light Shaping Tool di Profoto.
  • Fino a 100 canali disponibili
Flash off-camera di Profoto
Le monotorce sono unità flash off-camera autonome, con impostazioni di potenza e output della luce che vengono controllati in modo indipendente. Si tratta di una luce compatta, pratica e potente che ti aiuta a realizzare immagini splendidamente illuminate sia in studio che on location.
Per saperne di più

Prodotti correlati

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  • Softbox

    Profoto Softbox Strip


    Ideale per illuminare i bordi o i contorni


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  • Ombrelli

    Umbrella Shallow Translucent


    Un ombrello leggero per luce ampia e diffusa in modo uniforme


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    Umbrella Shallow White


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    RFi Softbox Rectangular


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  • Glass Covers

    Glass dome for flat front monolights


    Copertura in vetro smerigliato a forma di cupola per luci frontali piatte


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    Ideale per ritratti e fotografia commerciale


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  • Ombrelli

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    Un ombrello leggero per una luce ampia uniforme e dotata di contrasto


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  • Air remotes

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  • Softbox

    RFi Softbox Octa


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  • Air remotes

    Profoto Connect


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  • Ombrelli

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  • Softbox

    RFi Softbox Strip


    Ideali per illuminare i bordi o i contorni


    269,01 €

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