RFi Softbox Rectangular
Eine beliebte, vielseitig einsetzbare Softbox
154,00 €Produkt eingestellt
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A good produkt. Stable and simple to use. Way too expensive to repair!
Reidar A.
Verifizierter Käufer
very good. no.1 fix
seungju P.
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The D1 is an older light. Build quality is nice so it will last a long time if taken care of. It has a noticeably longer recycle time so keep that in mind if shooting fast. It’s still a good option as a backup or cheaper option than buying a D2.
Jeff W.
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This unit has been a massive pillar in my equipment list for over 10 years. Reliable, resistant even in demanding travel situations.I sent it to have it checked for the first time (bulb replacement) after so many years, The profoto service team was very accommodating and professional.
sebastian p.
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Mi trovo benissimo tranne quando uso la Nikon Z fc. tutte le foto vengono sovraesposte, purtroppo non si riesce a calibrare. O almeno io non riesco.
Raffaella B.
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Ten years ago I purchased two Profoto D1 monoblocks. They've never let me down! The only problem I had in those years was a faulty modellinglight. Every flash was accurate, simply said "The Best!".
Richard B.
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I’ve been using Profoto since the Pro 5 units in the nighties. These D1 Airs are another example of a reliable fixture that you can depend on and provides great flexibility. I love the mono block design and it’s adaptability to all accessories.
Philip S.
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I bought a pair of Profoto D1 500W studio kit used, they come with a pair of tripod, umbrella and also a trigger, it was great for portrait studio photography. I found out this setup does not have short duration and freeze mode like the D2, so I bought a D2 1000ws afterword as my main light and use the D1s to do rim light/back ground light.
Albert T.
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Almost 10 years of a daily use and still work like a charm. Maybe todas looks a little bit old if you look the b1 or b10 at side but its a very useful and reliable
andres s.
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Fast, relatively powerful, accurate. The beep kind of sounds like a dying whale but that becomes one of the jokes I use during a shoot to get a smile. I wish they'd go down to 2.0 like the B1/B1x but love their speed and accuracy.
Daniel T.
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Fantastic Great photos all days with profpto D1 in my studio
Julio V.
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Love it , i have 40 light of them in my studio and never fails ir let me down im in love with any thing profoto make
shadi a.
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Can’t say enough about the quality of Profoto equipment. I’ve had a pair of these for more than 10 years and they remain flawless performers.Photography is not a cheap hobby but you do get what you pay for. Here you get an investment as much as you get a fine piece of equipment. You’ll never have to buy more heads again..
Robert B.
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Mit dem D1 Kompaktblitz wissen Sie, was Sie haben. Der solide Allrounder liefert ein ums andere Mal erstklassige Leistung – der perfekte Einsteiger-Kompaktblitz. Aus diesem Grund vertrauen Tausende zufriedener Fotografen auf der ganzen Welt auf den D1, die sich eine gleichbleibende Leistung, Farbtreue und Zuverlässigkeit wünschen. Mit einem Regelbereich über 7 Blenden und kurzen Leuchtzeiten kann er in puncto Leistung mit vielen High-End-Studiogeneratoren mithalten. Wenn Sie einen bewährten, zuverlässigen Klassiker suchen, der Sie nicht im Stich lässt, haben Sie mit dem D1 Ihre Lösung gefunden.