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Air Remote (Universal)

選択済みAir Remote
429,00 €
348,78 € 消費税抜き


27 レビュー
  • Profoto Air Remote TTL C

    My first Profoto was the Acute 1200 R back in 1996. Today I have an A1, B2, B10 and use the TTL C with my R5. Best combination that works seamlessly, accurately, and is dependable.

  • goood

    very good. no trobble. it is simple

  • Profoto Customer Service

    Better than i expected and much quicker turn around Communications between customer service and the repair techs was prompt and informative Thank you

  • Extra Remote

    It was great although sometimes it misfire sometime if your too close with the unit.

  • Air Remote TTL

    I have all three remote devices for my Nikon Z9; the Connect, the Connect Pro and now the Air Remote TTL. All work seamlessly without issues, however the Air Remote TTL is best for work in the field during location shoots. It has a smooth design and ergonomics that won't get snagged by things as a busy photographer moves around to get the shot. No sharp edges and it appears to be part of the camera. The basic Connect is similar in smooth design. The Connect Pro is very convenient and simple to use. If it was of a better ergonomic design, and a bit smaller, it would be good for location shoots, but as it stands it will remain my studio remote on a camera with tripod.


    Fantastisch apparaat. Werkt zeer ontspannen, omdat je minder over de techniek na hoeft te denken..

  • Light it Up

    Does a good job of connecting. Easy to operate and affordable

  • Best!

    Very comfortable remote with all needed options to control lights.

  • Excellent item

    Great trigger. Compact, light, and super reliable.

  • Air Remote

    Works seamlessly with the A10 flash. I hope to add Profoto studio lights soon. My experience with the ease of use with Profoto lighting products has taken my photography to a new level.

  • Air remote

    Works as advertised. Dropped a star as the battery life is more like 20 hours with heavy usage (at best). 200 hours, not my experience and I have 2 of the remotes.

  • Excellent Trigger

    Design, Ease of Use, Quality and of course the end Result.

  • Great product

    Easy to setup and worked perfect

  • Very Nice‼

    I can't use my Hasselbrad 907X 50C with your products without this. Thank you!

  • Good Air Remote.

    Easy to use on my Leica SL.

  • Max control

    The fact that everything is controlled from the unit right on you camera is massively beneficial and really efficient. 5 star ratting as soon as they replace the disposable battery situation with something chargeable.

  • Perfekt 😍 i love it

    I love the products of Profoto! Power on compatible with all devices and above all the possibility to control everything from the camera! Even if I'm not a professional, I would always resort to Profoto! Then I prefer to save money and buy a product that will accompany me for a long time and revive my passion for photography even more!

  • Polyvalence

    C’est exactement le système de déclenchement à distance qui me convenait et s’ adapte autant à mon Nikon D750 qu’à mon fidèle Hasselblad 500 CM… et bien entendu à toute la gamme de flash Profoto. Les vrais sachent que la TTL n’est pas un gadget indispensable dans la plupart des cas de prise de vue.

  • Very reliable

    A nicely built, very reliable tool for everyday use. I wish Profoto and Leica would release a HSS/TTL trigger. But until then, I will use this workhorse of a trigger with my B10X kit.

  • Seamless

    Love this remote, seamless with my Hasselblad X1Dii. Perfect addition to my Profoto A10

  • Just fine

    Best quality - simple, reliable and easy to uger.

  • Perfect for any camera brand in Manual mode

    This remote is the one to go with when you switch from camera brands. Another good point is that you can make your Leica work with Profoto !!! Just use it as a manual trigger, eventually use a flash meter to optimise your process.

  • It’s a Transceiver

    I little outdated as it only supporting the original 8 channels but it’s currently the only transceiver remote for Profoto. It is also not firmware updatable as it lacks a USB port. I purchased it to use it as a receiver with non-Profoto lights in the mix. It’s a must have in a kit — being a receiver but also very useful as a transmitter. Note: Non-TLL/Non-HSS


    This small remote has some nice features BUT the bugs are critical to know first. 1) You must only use alkaline batteries. As a 40 year experienced IC designer, it is actually difficult to design something that only accepts alkaline batteries. But if you try to use Lithium or rechargable batteries and you won't get anywhere (non-functioning). 2) When you are first debugging your system, you must keep the remote more than a few feet from any monolight. Although Profoto has known of these bugs, they have not edited the online manuals to save you from thinking you have a defective unit. Once working, the remote is quite helpful. Not having to go to use monolight to change settings is worth a lot. Keep spare batteries around as the Air Remote uses a fair amount of battery power. Lastly, NEVER leave Alkaline batteries in anything. Someday, the batteries will leak and **** your product. It is rare to be able to fix something that had leaky batteries. This fact has been true for many decades but the battery manufacturers have not found a fix.

  • Remote trigger for Phase One XF

    I use this as a remote trigger for my XF. Works perfectly. I can fire the camera from a long ways away for capturing the perfect portrait expression or birds flying to a feeder.

  • Air Remote

    This is a wonderful piece of equipment. It's the "universal" remote. It's a bit complicated compared to the brand specific remotes, which are simply awesome.

  • Simple and Dependable

    The Air Remote is a great product. Easy to use, compact, nicely designed, and dependable




Air Remote

Air システムライトをシンクロし、マニュアル制御
製品番号: 901031

制約のない撮影が可能です。Air Remoteは、Profotoライト (Air内蔵) をホットシュー付きのカメラに無線でシンクロし、コントロールできます。Air Remote TTLとは異なり、Air RemoteにTTLおよびHSSは搭載されていませんが、撮影の自由度は驚くほど高く、コードに煩わされることなくクリエイティビティを発揮できます。

Air Remoteは、リモート無線シンクロ&コントロール用の最速のシステムを使用しており、300 mという広大な有効範囲を誇ります。Air Remoteは、カメラ本体のシャッター速度にほとんど制限を加えません。撮影の精度が高く、トリガーの信頼性も抜群で、遅延も少ないため、全体的に撮影の自由度が大幅に向上します。

  • リモート無線シンクロ&コントロール用の世界最速のシステムは、シンクロケーブルに匹敵する速度で、最高1/1,600秒のシャッター速度でフラッシュをシンクロ可能 (カメラがサポートしている場合)
  • 小型で携帯可能
  • Airに対応するProfotoのライトをシンクロし、手動制御可能
  • 他社のフラッシュとシンクロさせたり、大手カメラのリモートシャッターリリースとして使用可能
  • 300 mの広大な有効範囲
  • 8デジタルチャンネル
  • チャンネルごとに最大6グループのライトをコントロール可能
  • 世界中で使用承認取得済み
Air Remotes
Profoto ワイヤレスフラッシュトリガー
Profoto 製ストロボを発光させ撮影を行うためには、 まず Profoto リモートが必要です。リモートによって、素早く適正露出を取得し、撮影位置からライト設定をリモートコントロールして、ワイヤレスで発光させることができます。


  • Air Accessory Cables

    シンクロ接続用 3.5 mm ミニフォンプラグ


    ホットシューのないカメラとAir Remote/Air Syncをシンクロ


    14,00 €
  • Air Accessory Cables

    ストロボケーブル 3.5mm ミニフォンプラグ 1/4 フォンプラグ


    1/4 シンクロソケット付きスタジオライトとAir Remote/Air Syncをシンクロ


    14,00 €
  • Air Accessory Cables

    ストロボケーブル 3.5mm-3.5mm ミニフォンプラグ


    3.5 mm シンクロソケット付きスタジオライトとAir Remote/Air Syncをシンクロ


    14,00 €



