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Hard Reflectors

Clic Magnum

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198,99 €
IVA incluido
163,11 € IVA no incluido
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Clic Magnum

Adds light output
Número del producto: 101308

Clic Magnum was designed to bring out the optimal power of the A-series flashes. The magnetic mount offers you the fastest way of throwing light over long distances. With the additional 1.8 f-stops effective light output, you reach further without being overpowered by natural light. Combined with the A2, Clic Magnum narrows the beam angle from 62 to 37 degrees. If you want to go more narrow, 20 degrees, simply attach the belonging grid to Clic Magnum. Pack it down in the protective case, attach it with the magnetic mount, and head out.

  • Compatible with A-series flashes
  • Comes with a grid and protective case
  • Compatible with Clic Gels
  • Magnetic click mount
  • Creates an even light with smooth fall-off
  • Up to 1.8 f-stops added light output
Hard Reflectors
Profoto's light shaping tools for harder light effects
Hard reflectors help you alter the contrast of your images by creating a number of lighting effects – from direct, focused light with a distinct fall-off to a wider, more even light spread across the image area. Their versatility makes them an essential light modifier.
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