Profoto B1X
B1X. Excellent all around strobe
The B1X is a solid build tank of a strobe. I’m a big fan of HSS overpower the sun portraits. I do a lot of high school senior portraits and the kids love the sunlight full flash look. Plenty of flashes in the battery and plenty of power. I chose beteeen this or a b10 and the handle was the final deciding factor. I sling it around on location and the handle is a lifesaver.
Stephen D.
2024年10月Now 30% more $$$!
This unit works just as well as the first B1x unite I bought back in 2018. A workhorse, sturdy, great color accuracy. And it should work as well, it's exactly the same as the design from then. What's odd is, I paid $2049 for that 2018 unit. The price for this unit, again, exactly the same, increased by 30%, or $900. Were improvements made? they were not. just more money. Odder still my unit shipped with firmware from 2014, before the b1xs were even available... Are they putting old B1 parts into B1x bodies? Or just not bothering to update firmware even though they're charging 30% more? It's hard to know. It did come with a 3 year old battery though.
Shea E.
brilliant product, have 4 and use them most days.
Tim B.
2024年7月Great Quality, intuitive handling and a cooperative team behind all this
Using the B1X on site, especially outdoors, is a great and uncomplicated experience. I can rely on the wireless control, as well as on the adaptability for fast changing lighting demands. Simply shoot, that’s what I appreciate the most. A great international partner network makes even service demands stressless.
Rafael G.
2024年5月TOP, work without limit...
Sehr gut in der Handhabung, kompakt, zuverlässig, schnell. Der Akku hält bei mittlerer Auslastung erstaunlich lange. Ein top Produkt sowohl im Studio als auf Location.
Jan F.
2024年5月The beast
Pro: power, long life battery, solid . Cons: weight, can't recharge battery when is plugged.. But I love it.
Francesco M.
2024年4月Fits right in
As always, fitted straight in with my other Profoto kit. Solid, great light consistency and I can use all my existing modifiers. Love it
James W.
2024年4月PROFOTO B1X
My 2nd B1X! Loved the first one. Great product. Consistent light quality. No complaints.
Jack N.
2024年3月Great Stuff!
It is really a grea flash, exactly what I expected and needed
2024年3月Powerful and exceptional Light!
Love this light! Definitely powerful to get my jobs done! An upgrade from the Profoto B1 I had. Thank you!
Charleton C.
2024年3月Easy, Pro and Powerfull
Amazing product with a powerfull batterie. So easy to use, and modt important: easy to remember how it works after some time. No need to google the manual! I own 3 of them and need more :)
Martin G.
2024年2月Great light
Fast recycle time and easy to use
Nick S.
2024年1月Powerful, Dependable, Versatile and Easy to Use
plug and play. has never failed. so good we bought another head. will never go back to AC powered strobes on location or in studio. worth every penny. easy to update firmware.
Joe M.
2024年1月Faulty design
The system for charging the battery is extremely inconvenient, hard to use, non-intuitive and hard to mount. It’s extremely fragile too. After owning and using multiple Profoto products for many years, the B1X is one I would skip.
Irene K.
2023年11月first experience
I recently bought the B1X and used it only once for a shoot, so far. What I like is the power (plenty) and the ability to quickly fire multiple flashes in a row, 5 per sec in my case. What I like less is that the battery drained within an hour and a half; but I must say I had the modelling light full on. Next time I'll set it at lower power. Another inconvenience is that you cannot use it while connecting to the mains, unlike the B10 series. Fortunately I have a second battery.. It is a good , solid light that works great with the AIR triggers. Happy user, here :)
Rob P.
2023年10月B1: Best lights for my work…
Love the quality and consistency of the light as well as its portability. I take off one star because I have the B1 and it has no sync port like the B1X so you’re reliant on having a remote at all times.
Ed A.
2023年7月Amazing portable strobe!
I love this light! Hope to get 2 more sooner than later... HIGHLY RECOMMEND.
Jaymes B.
2023年6月power of light
best flash light ever i use i like too mach
Khoren G.
2023年4月Great build quality
Great light. Will be nice to have an option to use it while charging or with an AC adapter directly to the wall outlet
Georgi A.
2023年3月Profoto B1X
So far, I like the Profoto B1X a lot. I have used it inside; I am waiting to use it outside.
Mark R.
2023年1月Perfect product
Perfect Quality, perfect design
Saba A.
2022年7月Always get involved
Is the second I buy. is added to two B10s. is it enough as proof of satisfaction? Battery-powered flash was a revolution for me, when the set is on the street and the street is on the set, the light is never enough. When I accept difficult jobs I can count on my profoto lights.
Giovanni B.
2022年5月Game Changer
I can’t stand cords and that’s why I love this light. It had saved me time and stress, having a portable and powerful light.
Jared N.
2022年4月A lot to love, a little to desire
I’m a big enough fan of the B1 series that I bought a few. I have a couple real issues with them, including this one. The tabs that hold the battery are fragile and require extra special handling or will break. Due to that, I have thick velcro going around it. If that weren’t an issue, this would be the perfect portable strobe. They are so consistent I ditched my Einstein and Calumet lights in the studio and now use 3 of these with 2 D1s. All fast, consistent, and clean!
Daniel T.
2022年4月Essential location kit!
Purchased two B1x heads after renting for years. Absolutely essential location lighting. Powerful, compact, a studio in a bag to enhance location shoots!
Joseph S.
It was dropped and shattered the outside plastics. I was afraid for the worst but even thought the battery compartment would hold the battery in and I had to use a strap to keep in place the thing turned on and I was abke to complete my lighting needs. Repairs werent too bad a cost either.
McKay T.
2022年2月Profoto B1X
unique flash I recommend it
Dimitar D.
2022年1月Love me that B1X!!!!
Awesome! I have used mine in extreme conditions and it has never failed. Consistent color temp. Really happy with it.
2021年12月Great Kit
This light is robust and can handle most situations a D1 can. The smaller monolights are ok but they just don’t have the balls that the B1X has. This light will get you through the day, no problem.
Darren F.
2021年11月Amazing light!
I'm using it a lot and had it for like 4 years now. When I'm out photographing all day, 400-500 flashes usually has been done at full power, and I had replaced 1 light bulb for now. Really sturdy plastic all around it, not like godox (had to borrow one when my light bulb died). I would pick up B10 for my backup light if it was a little cheaper, cause this lights you know they are great quality just by holding them :D
Patrik M.
B1X To-Go Kit 500 AirTTL
El flash externo Profoto B1X es el sucesor del galardonado Profoto B1. El B1X no es un flash para utilizar en casa; es para fotógrafos aventureros que disfrutan saliendo y fotografiando en localizaciones del mundo real. El B1X portátil ofrece libertad y flexibilidad inalámbrica con alimentación de batería. Al fin y al cabo, no hay muchos enchufes en medio del desierto o en plena montaña. Gracias a su sistema específico de OCF Light Shaping Tools diseñadas para ofrecer la máxima movilidad y facilidad de uso, el B1X te permite modelar la luz fácilmente sea cual sea tu ubicación y dondequiera que te encuentres.
Ofrece un disparo con TTL automático que aporta la mayor luminosidad posible en condiciones de iluminación complicadas. Ofrece HSS, que te permite controlar y modelar la luz incluso a plena luz del día. Además, es fácil de instalar y te da la libertad de explorar y crear imágenes sorprendentes. Deja que los límites los ponga tu imaginación, no la longitud de los cables. El B1X te da la potencia que necesitas en los lugares adecuados.
- Dispara con AirTTL o con el modo manual y conéctate de forma inalámbrica con otros flashes AirTTL.
- El diseño y los controles inalámbricos te permiten disparar sin limitaciones.
- 10 veces más potente que los flashes estándares, con 500 W ajustables en incrementos de 1/10 f-stop por encima de un rango de potencia de 9 f-stop.
- La batería de Li-Ion recargable y rápidamente intercambiable proporciona hasta 325 flashes a plena potencia y decenas de miles con la potencia mínima.
- Dispara hasta 20 flashes por segundo, con duraciones de flash de hasta 1/19 000 s y tiempos de recarga rápidos de 0,05 a 1,9 s.
- Controla la luz ambiente con HSS y obtén imágenes nítidas sin desenfoque por movimiento a velocidades de obturación de hasta 1/8000 s.
- Puede controlarse de forma inalámbrica desde un rango de hasta 300 m con cualquier Air Remote opcional
- La potente luz de modelado LED regulable facilita la configuración y también se puede combinar fácilmente con luz natural en situaciones de poca iluminación.
- Gracias a su reflector integrado, ofrece un control y una calidad de la luz superiores.
- Interfaz de usuario sencilla e intuitiva con una pantalla de gran tamaño y alta resolución.
- Compatible con nuestras OCF Light Shaping Tools compactas y ligeras y con más de 120 herramientas de la amplia variedad de modeladores de luz de Profoto.