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Profoto A1X

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40 Bewertungen
  • Second unit purchased

    I Liked so much the first device that I bought a second one for the second camera cos I use to work with both cameras at the same time!

    Januar 2025
  • Flash tube died after 2.5 years

    I love this flash but for the price point it’s insane the flash tube needed replacing after under three years. My canon flashes lasted over a decade.

    November 2024
  • sehr guter Systemblitz

    Die Ausleuchtung und Helligkeit ist dank einfachem Zubehör für einen Systemblitz sehrgut. Dank Funksteuerung können Systemblitze unterschiedlicher Herstellervarianten gemeinsam verwendet werden.

    Mai 2024
  • Profoto A1

    I’m used to stronger flashes like B1 and B10. When I rented the A1 I was pleasantly surprised how well it worked even if the lighting conditions were challenging. Later I decided to buy one and now I bought another one. It’s a little to uncover on this little flash as it can do so much. It incorporates very well with the other Profoto dashes and it just works- and that’s the reason I use them.

    April 2024
  • Everything perfect as always!

    Super happy with the service and the fantastic products.

    März 2024
  • Good light, but too light

    I purschased 2 of them, and both are close to be dead, or would need to be repaired. Despite this very annoying fact, I love them, and I just bought an A2

    Dezember 2023
  • Great product

    Fast and sturdy and complete

    Dezember 2023
  • info@fotodiaframma.it

    Luce del flash bellissima

    November 2023
  • The best light in a flash

    Wonderful experience. The light offered by this flash is simply perfect. Easy to use and perfect results in any situation.

    Mai 2023
  • Light output is nice, great clean light - but other things to consider

    The attachments in the first version would never stay on, and they still don’t, but have improved. Magnets were not strong enough. We have to tape them and velcro them to stick and stay connected to the device while working. They just pop off... Two of our flashes have broken mounts which we have in service with you now. The mounts just snapped randomly. Love the rechargable battery - that is the best part!

    Februar 2023
  • Profoto A1X

    Without a doubt, the best handheld flash I've ever had. Quality, battery life and recharge is unmatched.

    Januar 2023
  • Prima systeem flitser

    de bouw en software is doordacht en functioneel. Werkt nauwkeurig en krachtig. Is compatibel met de andere Profoto flitsers en kan deze aansturen wat een extra meerwaarde is.

    Dezember 2022
  • light of the world

    the most professional light in prophoto photography

    Dezember 2022
  • Worth the money

    An excellent light with a top quality build. I’m a 30 year professional who has been using Profoto for 20 of those years and can tell you a big reason I buy Profoto is that Profoto holds up. Yes, you can find a manufacturer whose price is less then half the cost of Profoto which makes sense if you are not using the light every day in a variety of high pressure situations.

    August 2022
  • Best switch ever!

    After walking around with pockets full of batteries, and using an external ( lumiquest), this system is the best move i’ve made! No cables, less weight, super fast recycle, and rechargeable ! Whew! Now to look at my studio strobes!

    August 2022
  • Need support

    The trigger profoto I got ain’t working and I tried reaching out several times.. !! No luck

    Juni 2022
  • Nice but too expensive

    I enjoy my A1X, but there are other similar flashes out there that can get the same results for significantly less money.

    Mai 2022
  • Great

    Expensive, but everything about it makes up for it’s cost. Fits into the Profoto ecosystem well, powerful, tactile, ease of use. Especially good to shoot in cramped spaces on camera or off.

    April 2022
  • Exelent


    März 2022
  • Excelente flash

    Muy bueno para social y otros muchos trabajos. Muy recomendable

    März 2022
  • Profoto A1X Early Days Feedback

    I’ve had the opportunity to shoot a wedding and a street portrait with the A1X, initial results confirm my decision to move on from my set of existing speedlights. Now to save up for a few more!!!

    März 2022
  • Great flsh

    Very responsive and reliable well worth the investment.

    März 2022
  • Profoto A1X

    Works Great, Very Accurate, Well Worth the Premium Price.

    März 2022
  • Nice compact light

    Nice compact flash light in a well build system

    Januar 2022
  • Best on Camera flash ever

    I have been using these A1’s for almost three years and love them. Each unit is a controller for the use of multi-able flash units. Either in TTL or manual power settings, you always get the balanced lighting you desire. I use these in conjunction with a B1 quite often.

    Januar 2022
  • Good deal

    Works seamlessly with air remote, and with A10 flash. Haven't had unit a long time. Works as advertised. If it lasts as long as advertised, then its well worth the costs. I think it will.

    Januar 2022
  • Could be better

    Given the very high price point compared to competitors, the A1X is reliable in some regards though also flawed as as tool for actual work scenarios. I believe it is over priced, as are all accessories. The accessories are also not well thought out for use as a flash for event photography. The bounce card it comes with embarrassingly detaches from the flash at the slightest bump which makes it impossible to use on a dual camera on a harness set up and would benefit from a Mag-mod dome that covers the entire head to distribute the light - the one that it comes with is too small to be actually effective at spreading the light for group photos at a distance of a 1-3 metres. I would also like a one touch, fast way to turn the flash head on/off to allow for scenarios where at events photographing with natural light and the with flash alternate quickly. Having to hold down the power button to turn it off takes too long as does scrolling to the menu. This needs to be a physical on/off switch.

    Dezember 2021
  • Amazing addition to the eco system

    This is the first A1 I buy after having D2’s, B1’s, B2’s A10 plus and varius modifiers. Having a cohesive system, fast recycle time and being able to use the same OCF 1.3X1.3, 2’ octa 1X3’s …etc is amazing. I find this both highly functional and elegenet to use with amazing results

    Dezember 2021
  • Profoto’s least reliable product

    I wasn’t going to do a negative write-up on the A1X, but as you keep sending me gentle reminders, I guess you really want to hear my opinion: this is the second A1X in my toolkit and it broke down within three days of use. I’m still awaiting a replacement unit. The first A1X fared a lot better. That didn’t break down until I had used it for 14 months… The light quality is fantastic, operation is outstanding and it integrates perfectly with the rest of my Profoto arsenal. But it is absolutely the least reliable Profoto model I have ever used. I’d probably still recommend this to photographers who work regularly with other Profoto lamps and have an established workflow based around this system, but it’s not a workhorse like the B- and D-series lamps. The fact that I still rate this at three stars is a testament to the light quality, but as one of the main reasons to pay a premium for a brand like Profoto is the supposed reliability, I think it is safe to say that there is room for improvements. Funny thing is, I bought this second A1X unit because I really loved the light, but didn’t trust the first unit to be the only small light in my bag…

    Dezember 2021
  • Too tight

    Like the new head movement, but the case is a tighter fit for the A1x. I have a Canon compatible A1 which fits its case perfectly. Been used on a lifestyle shoot at Hadrian's Wall in Northumberland in cold windy conditions. Not a single misfire, and the new battery does well in these temperatures (5C max).

    November 2021

Kompatibel mit:

Technische Daten:

A1X for Canon

Der kleinste Studioblitz der Welt
Produktnummer: 901204-EUR

Der Profoto A1X bringt Lichtgestaltungsfähigkeiten mit. Sein einzigartiger runder Blitzkopf macht es mit seinem sanften Lichtabfall leicht, natürliches und wunderschönes Licht zu erzeugen. Er verfügt zudem über eine intelligente Magnethalterung und speziell für ihn konzipierte Lichtformer, die sich schnell und einfach anbringen lassen. Sie können übereinander angebracht werden und erweitern damit Ihre kreativen Möglichkeiten. Das integrierte LED-Einstelllicht des A1X vereinfacht die Positionierung des Lichts und sorgt dafür, dass Sie besser erkennen, wie Licht und Schatten zusammenwirken.

Ein weiterer Pluspunkt ist die extrem einfache Handhabung. Das große Bedienfeld ist klar und deutlich strukturiert. Wie alle anderen Produkte von Profoto ist es intuitiv bedienbar, und Sie müssen nicht erst lange in der Bedienungsanleitung lesen, um die Funktionsweise zu verstehen. Auch AirTTL Remote ist in den A1X integriert. Mit AirTTL und HSS erhalten Sie schnell und einfach professionelle Ergebnisse, und mit der Funkfernbedienung können Sie problemlos eine Verbindung zu anderen Profoto-Blitzen herstellen und sie ganz einfach vom A1X aus steuern.

Der Profoto A1X ist nicht nur ein On-Camera-Blitzsystem, sondern auch als eigenständiger Off-Camera-Blitz höchst effektiv. Der A1X verfügt über einen austauschbaren Li-Ion-Hochleistungsakku, der viermal länger hält als herkömmliche AA-Batterien, ohne dass die Leistung abfällt. Der Akku lässt sich zudem schnell wieder aufladen. Damit sind Sie selbst bei längeren Shootings auf der sicheren Seite. Auch in Sachen Geschwindigkeit kann der A1X mithalten. Seine Blitzfolgezeit ist viermal schneller als die anderer On-Camera-Lösungen – mit 1 Sekunde bei voller Leistung. Einfach gesagt: Sie verpassen keine Aufnahme mehr.

  • Runder Blitzkopf mit einem gleichmäßigen, weichen und natürlichen Lichtabfall.
  • AirTTL und HSS für wunderschöne, professionelle Bilder im Handumdrehen.
  • Intelligente (zum Patent angemeldete) Magnethalterung für A1X-Lichtformer.
  • Lichtformer speziell für den A1X verfügbar.
  • Integriertes LED-Einstelllicht.
  • Integrierte Air-Funkfernbedienung.
  • Austauschbarer Li-Ion-Akku.
  • 450 Blitze bei voller Leistung.
  • Blitzfolgezeit von 1 Sekunde.
  • Umschaltung zwischen TTL/MAN.
  • Integrierter Motorzoom mit manueller Steuerung
  • Autofokus (AF)-Assistent.
Profotos kameramontierte Blitze
Kompakt und dennoch leistungsstark – unsere vielseitigen Aufsteckblitze funktionieren sowohl auf der Kamera als auch entfesselt und lassen sich nahtlos mit anderen Lichtquellen kombinieren. Mit ultraschneller Wiederaufladung, einem langlebigen Akku, einem integrierten Einstelllicht und der AirTTL-Fernsteuerung sind sie perfekt für dynamische Shootings.
Mehr erfahren

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