Profoto B1X
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It was really well with My Profoto lights. Alway have a second or even third one because the Sony hot shoe can be a problem. It will happen for sure just matter of time. Profoto will charge $150 to fix...
Chris L.
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Very useful !!!
nicos a.
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This is the second Air Remote for Nikon I’ve owned. Way many more misfires than the first. When it works right it’s great. When it doesn’t then not so great. Not happy.
Rob M.
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An industry standard, these are reliable and steady. However, I was unable to update the firmware in BOTH my Nikon version and my Fuji version. After lengthy conversation with tech support, multiple attempts on numerous computers, etc, I finally had to mail them in at my expense to have them updated at the service center. In this day and age there shouldn’t be such an annoying hurdle to enjoy full functionality from these units!
Ian T.
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It’s great with my Sony A7RIII. But I’m actually a bit disappointed that it does not work with my Sony A7RV.
Kjetil S.
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I love my Profoto gear! Worth every penny.
Stacy I.
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So easy to use. Wish I had buy it years ago!
Martin G.
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Perfect tool that always works!! Never a problem!
achille b.
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Profoto items are not low in price, but they are s dependable. Easy to use as well.
Masamichi K.
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The title says it all. It works perfect with a profit A10 (Nikon) and the B10x plus in all modes
Frank R.
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This is a wonderful strobe trigger it’s reliable easy to use you can adjust the power of your lights quickly good product. The only thing I would mention is that it’s bad on batteries it runs low pretty quickly
Jerry W.
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I bought a new ons because my first Air Remote doesn't work a lot of times when i was using it. This ons is better
Dick T.
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I own the aerial remote practically since it came out, it works perfectly never missed a single shot, but at the same time let me say that in the way the light is controlled it was born old, not being able to know the current value of the light power is terrible, yes the problem is solved with the new one but the change is expensive.
Giuseppe F.
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Excellent product and with all Profoto kit, it works straight out the box.
David W.
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I’ve tried many different products by various Manufacturers, from pocket wizards to the new Westcot system This is by far the easiest to use. The quality of light is unmatched by others in this class.
rodrigo c.
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As a equipment hire studio reliability is a must - the Air Remotes always work, have good distance and don't require line-of-sight. Red Brick Studios, Brisbane
Stefan J.
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I purchased this Air Remote TTL-N as a second remote. It serves a few purposees for me. It's a 2nd remote when I do events and have 2 photographers doing high volume portraits. It also serves as a backup to my Connect PRO, just in case I ever tip over my tripod, and smash it. Nope, never done that. I like how simple the Air Remote it is, and that everything is just a click of a button. It's very well built but I have not tested that as well as I have with my connect pro....
Chris C.
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This controller is intuitive and easy to use. It gives me the control which makes all the difference in running a smooth shoot. I understand that the newer controller is problematic, with a central wheel which has issues. This controller is a dream and I recommend it without hesitation.
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Very easy to use and ultra reliable and convenient. Very much worth buying.
Eric C.
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I switched from phottix to Profoto and I enjoy the amount of creativity and fine-tuning that this system can perform with the A1 flash heads !!
Dean O.
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It’s unbelievably right on. Never has failed me in the time I’ve owned it
Roger R.
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This item shows that simplicity is sometimes best. Too bad it is being phased out for those who don’t want to spend $399 on the latest remote
Nadeem W.
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This has got to be the best trigger I have used. It’s never failed me to preform and I use it often. I just did my first upgrade to it and it was seamless.
dale d.
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It worked well. Only wish the flash setting would show on the display.
David C.
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I have used these to trigger my Profoto Air TTL lights for years and have had no issues. I use one on the bottom of my Sekonic L-758 meter as Sekonic does not have a Profoto transmitter for the times when I shoot in all manual mode.
Joe S.
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I just have had this for a month, previously I was using Godox trigger, and it was kinda confusing to compare it to Profoto, Profoto have the easiest menu and just look at it I can direct use the trigger instantly. Great job and all menu is just on-screen never get any wrong during shooting.
Ariel H.
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Llego todo bien
Juan M.
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Always performs and ready to go go when you are!
Luis P.
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Como digo, un emisor perfecto y fiable; lo unico, eso si, llevad pilas de repuesto, por si acaso.
Jose L.
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Since the strobes that I use do not have a Bluetooth feedback, the old Air TTL was the obvious choice. The ability to use the first exposer in TTL, then switching over to manual for adjustments works very well. All the time! It is simple and flawless. A bit strange coming from an engineer, I do not get lost in the numbers for the Energy Scale or the dialled in adjustments +/-, they are just there :). The simplicity of the Air TTL Remote controller allows me to concentrate on the results. Thank you Profoto. - :) Where were you 20 some odd years ago when I was chasing brides and grooms with a Metz 60 and a Hasselblad… :) Tony K
Tony K.
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Il modo più semplice in assoluto per ottenere l’esposizione perfetta. Collega la luce Profoto AirTTL alla tua fotocamera in modalità wireless fissando il dispositivo remoto alla slitta della fotocamera. Quindi, inquadra e scatta in modalità TTL: l’Air Remote TTL comunica con il flash. In questo modo otterrai l’esposizione perfetta. Automaticamente.
Se scegli di utilizzare Profoto AirTTL puoi anche lasciare a casa l’esposimetro e scattare in modo più rapido. Per un controllo più preciso scatta innanzitutto in modalità TTL per ottenere l’esposizione perfetta. Passa poi alla modalità manuale senza modificare le impostazioni, quindi perfeziona e adatta in maniera creativa la luce in base alle tue preferenze.
Gli AirTTL Remote sono muniti di Profoto High-Speed Sync (HSS) che consente di utilizzare il flash a velocità di scatto fino a 1/8000 s. L’HSS consente di controllare e plasmare la luce con l’illuminazione diurna più intensa, nonché di ottenere immagini ben definite e senza sfocatura quando si unisce il flash alla luce disponibile.
Per l’elenco delle fotocamere compatibili consulta la scheda delle specifiche tecniche.