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Getting started with commercial photography as a wedding photographer

Have you ever wanted to enter the world of commercial photography but didn’t know how? Watch the recording of our live session with photographers Kara Mercer and Anna Fowler to get your answers. Get inspired by their photography journey with flash and learn how they transitioned from wedding to commercial photography.

How wedding photographers can set foot in lifestyle and commercial photography

In this session Kara Mercer and Anna share some of their stunning wedding and commercial images, and you will learn about their quick and easy lighting setups and ideas how to practice lighting at home. Tune in to get their personal tips on how to build up a portfolio and how to get your first commercial clients. 

Meet the photographers

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Kara Mercer is a lifestyle, portrait and documentary wedding photographer based in Seattle, Washington. Known for her use of light and her eye for creative direction, Kara believes every image should stand strongly on its own while also contributing a unique yet complementary voice when serving as part of a collection. She specializes in developing content for fashion, travel, and lifestyle brands, but also shoots weddings with her own modern take. To see more of Kara’s natural-looking images visit her Instagram.

Anna Fowler is a commercial, lifestyle and wedding photographer based in London. Anna has specialized in photographing women for many years. She picked up a camera to show women that when they celebrate what makes them unique, they will create a gorgeous image. While Anna mainly shoots commercial campaigns and portraits of women, she also photographs dreamy and beautiful wedding images. To see more of Anna’s beautiful images of women visit her Instagram.