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Refurbished units

We offer refurbished Profoto products, previously used for trade shows and demos. Each unit is fully tested and in excellent condition. Though not sold as new, it comes with the full Profoto warranty—so you save!

3 items
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  • Demo


    D2 1000 AirTTL - Demo unit


    Mains-powered monolight for studio photography

    Discount price:

    26 246,25 kr 34 995,00 kr
  • Demo


    B1X Location Kit 500 AirTTL - Demo unit


    The on location icon

    Discount price:

    47 001,75 kr 62 669,00 kr
  • Demo


    B1X To-Go Kit 500 AirTTL - Demo unit


    The on location icon

    Discount price:

    24 525,00 kr 32 700,00 kr