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Profoto B10 Plus

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62 recensioni
  • A good place to start

    I purchased this light about 3 years ago and have been very happy with it's function as a light. For my work it provides the power and consistency that I have come to love. The only downside I have to this light is the fact that recently I have noticed symptoms that it may be time to replace the flashtube. While this is in no way unexpected, I wish that this was a repair I could do myself. Having to send the light in to be serviced means that I will need to purchase or rent a substitute in the interim. This alone would probably prevent me from buying this particular light again.

    luglio 2024
  • Very nice light.

    The light is very nice, the battery duration is good and stability even shooting fast is perfect. I often use the flashlight in H.P. mode and is very good.

    maggio 2024
  • 최고의 아웃도어 조명

    스튜디오, 야외 할것 없이 최적의 사이즈와 안정성을 가진 조명입니다.

    maggio 2024
  • Amazing light, a couple drawbacks

    The features and colors are too notch. Puts the b1x to shame in everyway. The main issues I have are repair and ports. The light needs to be sent in to get repaired unlike the D2 and B1 that are user serviceable. Flashtubes and frosted dome replacements are the main issue you will have with these (so in a future version it would be nice to have user servicable parts) . Turn around time (out of warranty) is typically about 3 weeks on average. The second issue is flash sync ports so you can’t use pocket wizards.

    febbraio 2024
  • Amazing lights

    Amazing lights for the studio location would highly recommend

    gennaio 2024
  • Happy !

    Easy to use and very powerful. Good quality !

    gennaio 2024
  • Small power package for great projects

    I bought the B10 Plus as an extension for my tried-and-tested B10 Duo kit. A three-point setup opens up even more possibilities. The output of the B10 Plus is actually exactly double that of a B10. Especially in softboxes, umbrellas or in combination with denser gels, the B10 Plus therefore has even more reserves. As a guiding light, it also sets the direction in terms of performance and is perfectly complemented by its less powerful siblings (fill light, accent light). A complete studio setup consisting of three light sources fits into the Core Backpack S. Compact pack size for great possibilities! I would buy it again at any time.

    novembre 2023
  • The best photo flash light!

    This is the best flash I've ever used! It's amazing how such a powerful light was placed in such a small package! The interface is simply wonderful, it’s so easy and quick to set up! This flash is a pleasure to work with! I'm definitely glad I spent my money well! Thank you Profoto !

    novembre 2023
  • Awesome even they are expensive

    They are very good and light weight. I look forward to try them more.

    settembre 2023
  • Awesome even they are expensive

    They are very good and light weight. I look forward to try them more.

    settembre 2023
  • B10X

    I am enjoying these lights immensely. The security and peace of mind when using the lights is incomparable. Your products are recommendable in every sense. Thank you

    agosto 2023
  • Beyond Expectations

    Having used just about every other strobe on the market, I’ve concluded Profoto is the best. With a unique combination of simplicity, extraordinary design, power and reliability, the Profoto series is my choice.

    giugno 2023
  • Beyond Expectations

    Having used just about every other strobe on the market, I’ve concluded Profoto is the best. With a unique combination of simplicity, extraordinary design, power and reliability, the Profoto series is my choice.

    giugno 2023
  • Quality

    Quality and ease of use compared to most other lighting production is the main reason for switching to Profoto

    maggio 2023
  • 최강 조명!

    실내 보단는 야외에서 이동 하면서 빠른 설치와 나오는 결과는 너무 좋아요. ^^

    marzo 2023
  • Flash Photography a Higher Level

    I’ve been an avid photographer since age 12 when my dad opened a camera shop. From an early age, I worked as a professional prior to entering medical school. My love for photography has steadily grown over almost 6 decades, fueled in part by technological advancements that enabled me to do what was considered challenging or impossible in the past. While the evolution of cameras and lenses has been substantial, lighting technology has not kept pace. Last year, I purchased an Profoto A1X and was highly impressed by the design, technological features, consistency and straight-forward user interface. That prompted the purchase of an A2, which further built my confidence and respect for Profoto, especially in terms of working with a high quality compact portable flash. Not surprisingly, my latest purchase was a pair of B10 Plus strobes. Over the years I’ve owned several high end strobes from multiple well-known manufacturers. All were ultimately disappointing in terms of consistency, user interface and low power modeling lights that in reality served no useful purpose for studio lighting. Profoto however is clearly and uniquely different. The user interface is superb and perfectly matches the way I envision best using the technology. It supports a refined elegant design with an impressive feature set, a bright adjustable modeling light that’s superb, and the ability to switch to continuous lighting which is nothing short of brilliant — pardon the pun. Rarely do I ever write reviews. However Profoto is so unique that I felt compelled to write one. For me, Profoto technology leaves absolutely nothing to be desired and the rest of the field in the dust. How often can you purchase a product that feels perfect from the start and progressively excites your creative potential? In closing, I did my homework, read the comparisons online, and finally took the plunge. I can assure you that nothing comes close in terms of quality, refinement and simplicity. Thanks for lighting the way!

    gennaio 2023
  • Solid Build Quality - Well-Designed Menus and Repeatable Lighting

    I use a combo of B10's and B10+ units with various modifiers for architectural interiors and night exteriors. The battery life is amazing - these lights will not let you down. Raise your day rate and buy more :)

    gennaio 2023
  • Profoto B10 - Russell Ord Photo

    Its no doubt very complex however turning that into simplicity it truly incredible - brilliant!

    dicembre 2022
  • Feedback B10X plus

    I've was working with Profoto a few years ago in a studio. Unfortunately damn good, but also unfortunately very expensive! But now I have the good ones :-)

    novembre 2022
  • Great step up!

    The B10 Plus was a great replacement for my last B1. I do a lot of location photography and have been reducing the bulk and weight of equipment over time. The B10 Plus delivers powerful light in a compact, lightweight package while accepting all the modifiers I currently use.

    novembre 2022
  • Perfect as always

    Perfect as always ;) Love to work with Profoto

    ottobre 2022
  • Better upgrade than I intended

    I have been using a B10 for a few years now. And recently bought to B10 Plus and wasn’t expecting a huge upgrade- aside from power. But I like the little touches that they made otherwise. Solid per usual. I dropped mine in wet sand on its first day out. I know- amateur hour. But it happens. And nothing broke. That’s the take away here.

    agosto 2022
  • BEST EVER!!!

    I worked with Elinchrom, Bron, etc. The best Flash-Brands on the Market. And then…. Profoto..!! Easy to use, quality perfect for Photo and Video. Bravo to Profoto, for me the Crown, ever. Best’s Karl-Heinz Hug/, Switzerland

    agosto 2022
  • The right light for me

    Amazing light. The B10 Plus is the light that was missing from my kit. The power output is great for the type photography I do. I will be using it in conjunction with my A2, B2 and B10.

    agosto 2022
  • Superb, but…

    Added this to my kit of 2 A1x’s and a B10 for a little extra gas in larger light modifiers. For the price they should be perfect, customer service should be excellent and all accessories should work flawlessly. None of these things are true. The umbrella hole has no screw down knob so most umbrellas slip. The locking knob is uncomfortable to use and while it works isn’t very robust. The OCF speed rings holes are to small and many soft boxes don’t fit. The price of the accessories would make Apple shocked. I have worked with many different strobe brands and these are by far the fastest to set up, easiest to carry, and get to work. Very fast recycle times, great modeling light and fast and easy adjustments and interface. If you use strobes on a daily basis, buy them you will love them and start planning shoots just to use them.

    luglio 2022
  • Great product

    New to profoto and really happy with the purchase!!! :)

    luglio 2022
  • B10 Plus

    Yea! We have excellent lighting equipment. Fast, light, intuitive and powerful. However, the Stand Adapter project leaves something to be desired. It's not a precise fit, it locks, and it damages easily. A feather!

    luglio 2022
  • Quality & Simplicity!!!

    Love the simplicity & elegance & quality!

    luglio 2022
  • The best portable power

    The best portable power! No turning back!

    luglio 2022
  • Hi Mark, i hope you had a good weekend. Please find the first Hi Res batch of the Andy Bell session i will send the rest once this We Traansfer folder is sent Best Regards andi

    Right from the start of using the B10 plus it was easy and amzing to use. The ease of using these light to creative beautifully light for my image making. I can not recommend high enough. Its going to take my image making to another level.

    giugno 2022

Compatibile con:

Accessori per Light Shaping Tool
Batterie e carica batterie


Profoto B10 Plus

Grandi luci in piccole dimensioni
Codice prodotto: 901164-EUR

Una delle problematiche principali per gli shooting on location va affrontata prima ancora di partire ed è: quanta attrezzatura portare con sé. Troppi cavi e luci costituiscono infatti un peso non indifferente, ma non averne abbastanza significa rischiare di non poter realizzare le immagini che avevi in mente.

Leggero e portatile, il B10 Plus si trasporta facilmente in una borsa fotografica e ti consente di godere di una grande luce in qualsiasi situazione e in qualsiasi luogo ti trovi. Potrai anche approfittare di una luce continua integrata con un output della luce più tenue o brillante e di una temperatura colore regolabile che lo rende facile da integrare alla luce naturale.

Un'ampia gamma di light shaping tool amplierà ulteriormente le tue opportunità creative; potrai scegliere tra i leggerissimi OCF oppure tra uno degli oltre 120 light shaping tool Profoto disponibili. Tutti questi accessori ti consentono di creare con la luce qualsiasi emozione o atmosfera desideri. Quindi, qualunque sia l'idea o l'ambiente che vuoi creare, potrai finalmente trasformare la tua visione in realtà.

Grazie all'interfaccia chiara ed essenziale, il B10 Plus risulta fin da subito molto semplice da usare. Inoltre, la batteria può essere sostituita in modo facile e veloce ed essere ricaricata durante l'utilizzo. Infine, l'adattatore per supporto può essere rimosso in modo tale da essere montato sia su un treppiedi per fotocamera che su stand.

Il B10 può essere azionato e controllato da qualunque Profoto Air Remote o flash Profoto della serie A. Collegando l'app Profoto, è possibile visualizzare e controllare tutte le impostazioni dallo schermo dello smartphone e scaricare gli ultimi aggiornamenti.

Grazie all'integrazione dell'AirX di Profoto, che sfrutta l'ultimissima tecnologia Bluetooth, puoi liberare la massima potenza del B10 Plus quando scatti con il tuo smartphone. Ora potrai dare libero sfogo alla tua creatività con grandi luci in piccole dimensioni, indipendentemente dal tipo di fotocamera che hai scelto di usare. Potrai catturare, modificare e pubblicare senza problemi utilizzando lo stesso dispositivo (fotocamera). In questo modo, ridurrai drasticamente il tempo trascorso tra l'elaborazione creativa e la pubblicazione dell'immagine.

  • Dimensioni e forma di un obiettivo.
  • Leggero e senza fili.
  • Potenza del flash di 5 speedlight
  • Luce continua con luminosità e temperatura colore regolabili.
  • Flessibilità di utilizzo su treppiedi per fotocamera o stand.
  • Compatibilità con gli oltre 120 light shaping tool di Profoto, compresa la gamma OCF.
  • Compatibilità con tutti i Profoto Air Remote, compresi i Profoto della serie A.
  • AirX integrato (tecnologia Bluetooth di Profoto).
  • Connettività smart con l'app Profoto.
Flash off-camera di Profoto
Le monotorce sono unità flash off-camera autonome, con impostazioni di potenza e output della luce che vengono controllati in modo indipendente. Si tratta di una luce compatta, pratica e potente che ti aiuta a realizzare immagini splendidamente illuminate sia in studio che on location.
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