Frederic Schlosser’s Solution for Shooting Cars on Location | Profoto (PL)

Frederic Schlosser’s Solution for Shooting Cars on Location

07 czerwca, 2017

Written by: Fredrik Franzén

Shooting cars is a challenge. They are big, shiny and oddly shaped. German photographer Frederic Schlosser and his assistant took two cars, one classic sport car from the 1970’s and a comtemporty model of the same car and drove to Prague, Czech Republic. Here’s how he shot the two cars using the Profoto 1 Location Kit.


In the trunk: Frederic’s camera, his Profoto B1 Location Kit and a SoftboxRFi 1×4’. The Plan: shoot the two cars on location with the beautiful, old buildings in the background.

“I love fast cars,” says Frederic. “I love good car design, and I love driving cars. That’s why I got into car photography. It allows me to live out my two biggest passions in life!”




Shooting cars is challenging. Cars are big, shiny and oddly shaped. Shooting cars on location is even more challenging.

In Frederic’s case, things were further complicated by the fact that he did not have a chance to scout the location beforehand. “Luckily for us, working with the B1 is really fast and easy,” says Frederic.

You don’t need much time to prepare. In our case, we just drove around the city and stopped when we found a nice spot. The B1 Location Kit is also very compact. Everything fitted perfectly in the trunk of the car.”

Time was of the greatest essence for Frederic and his team. They did not have permits for every location they found, so they had to get their shots as fast as possible.

Working without any cords is a huge plus when shooting on location,” says Frederic. “It allows you to be fast, spontaneous and efficient. Another awesome thing is the extremely good battery. A fully charged battery can power up to 220 full power shots. And when the battery runs out, I just swap it for one of the two spare batteries that come with the kit.

“Obviously, I also really love the Car Charger, which allows me to charge the batteries in the very car I’m shooting.

I can’t help but feel that this little thing was designed with me in mind…

See more of Frederic’s work at:

Click to learn about the B1 and other Light Shaping Tools that Frederic uses.









Written by: Fredrik Franzén