Video is no longer a nice-to-have, it’s a must-have | Profoto (KR)

Video is no longer a nice-to-have, it’s a must-have

25 10월, 2022

작성자: Annabelle Plueckthun

Content is king for Marc van der Putten, Business Development Manager at STORM. "Content drives sales", not only by driving traffic to the stores but most importantly online, to your webshop. If you manage to create strong content, you will see your sales benefit from it. 

STORM is a women’s retailer located in Auckland, New Zealand. Founded in 2005,  the brand currently features three physical stores and a successful online platform designed to dress the confident contemporary woman.

Ensuring consistency in your visual output is key for a strong sales performance

The STORM team shoots almost all of its content together with Asset Factory and Profoto equipment in Auckland, simply because it enables them to maintain a high level of consistency in their visual output.

Thanks to smart presets and the invariant background of the tools, automated Profoto solutions ensure consistency that is difficult to achieve with other equipment. Working with Profoto generates a consistent-looking grid on your product listing pages, as well as smooth stills and videos on your product detail pages. 

Marc points out that the lighting usually changes when you switch from stills to video, which psychologically creates a break for customers - Profoto equipment solves this problem. It’s possible to seamlessly and frictionlessly switch between stills, mannequin shots, and video - all without a change in lighting, background, and angles thanks to intelligently created presets. Using the creative Profoto presets enables you to capture consistent high-quality content in just minutes.


The fear of videos slowing your site down is not an excuse anymore

"Video is not a nice-to-have anymore, it’s a must-have." It helps the customer to get a better feeling of the product as the model moves on camera. It shows how the product fits and really brings the garment to life. Videos speak to the customer and support their buying psyche, which results in increasing sales by up to 70% and decreasing returns by around 60%.

To all e-commerce companies not featuring videos on their website and defending this with the fear of videos slowing their site down, Marc suggests talking to their providers about optimally setting the site up for performance. "We are in 2020 - there is no bandwidth issue anymore."

작성자: Annabelle Plueckthun

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Profoto StyleShoots Live

One set for dynamic, high-quality on-model videos and stills.