Christian van Hanja Uses 75 Cameras to Shoot an Athlete in Ultra Slow Motion | Profoto (KR)

Christian van Hanja Uses 75 Cameras to Shoot an Athlete in Ultra Slow Motion

23 3월, 2015

작성자: Fredrik Franzén

This video took almost five years of development and 75 DSLR cameras to pull off. Looking at the outcome, we’re assuming photographer Christian van Hanja considers every second and penny well spent.

Christian van Hanja was first featured on our blog a little over a year ago with his beautiful video of a flatland BMX biker doing tricks next to the river Seine.

His latest video, however, takes things to a whole new level. Using a massive rig of no less than 75 DSLR cameras and Profoto lighting, Christian films living flatland BMX legend Viki Gomez in 4K Ultra high definition and PHANTOM Ultra slow motion.

The tech specs will have some of you frothing around the mouth. The rest of you can just sit back and enjoy the mindblowing outcome.

When you are done watching, why not check out the video we did with Viki Gomez and Richard Walch for the launch of the B1 Off-Camera Flash in 2013?

작성자: Fredrik Franzén