How to create a high key portrait | Profoto (KR)

How to create a high key portrait

20 5월, 2020

작성자: Profoto

Placing a big light source behind your model will create a white background and allow the light to wrap around the model's face. Photographer Hannah Couzens gives you the 3 steps on how to create a high key portrait yourself.

Step 1: Mount an OCF Beauty Dish White on the first Profoto B10 and an OCF Softbox Octa on the second Profoto B10.  

Step 2: Place the second Profoto B10 with attached OCF Softbox Octa right behind your model.

Step 3: Place the first Profoto B10 with the attached OCF Beauty Dish White in front of your model. To give some highlights on the cheeks, forehead, nose and chin - use the butterfly light pattern.

The key here is not to overexpose the backlight so that you don’t lose the details of the edges of the hair or face.

작성자: Profoto

이 스토리에 사용된 제품들

OCF Beauty Dish White

오프카메라 플래쉬 전용 휴대형 뷰티 디쉬

OCF Softbox Octa

오프카메라 플래쉬와 함께 사용해, 매력적인 인물 사진을 촬영하기에 적합함.