Legend of Light: Audrey Woulard | Profoto (US)

Legend of Light: Audrey Woulard

16 January, 2019

Written by: Profoto US

Meet Legend of Light : Audrey Woulard

Tell us a little about yourself… Who you are, where you’re from, what you shoot/specialize in.

My name is Audrey Woulard and I am the owner and creator of the photography studio Kids And The City ( KATC ). I am based out of Chicago IL, and I have been a portrait photographer for
16 years. I specialize in photographing teens. In addition to my portrait work, I photograph selective commercial assignments. Such as IAM’s Pet food, and Pottery Barn Kids.

How did you get started in photography?

I never considered myself to be creative growing up. When my children were born, I develop a love for photography after my husband purchased a camera for me when we decided that it would be best to quit my corporate job and be a full time parent. I developed a huge love affair with light, and seeking out all aspects of light.

What/who are some of your main influences?

I’m very influenced by my clients. Kids are very honest with their dealings with other people. Their natural personalities that aren’t hidden when they are around new people is fascinating to me, and I look forward to each photo session.

When did you start shooting with Profoto?

I started using Profoto gear when they A1 was released. A fellow photographer, Sal Cincotta was part of the A1 launch. He distinctly told me that I would love that light, and the minute I saw his images I was blown away. I was completely enamored by the distribution of light. I have been a huge fan ever since.

What Profoto gear are you currently using?

I am using the Profoto A1 and the B10. I also have quite a few Profoto modifiers that range from the Profoto white beauty dish, umbrellas, Octabox, reflectors. Too many to name them all!

Do you have a favorite lighting setup?

I am a fan of simplicity. My favorite set up is the Profoto B10 with the 2ft OctaBox.

What is one thing you’re able to do with Profoto lights that you weren’t able to do before?

I am often photographing in heavily populated areas on location. Many times the areas I want to utilize do not have adequate natural light, and they can be either really busy, or very compact. I love that I can freely use the A1 by handholding it to add a “kiss of light” without taking a lot of equipment. Or when I simply need more power, I can use the B10 the exact same way. I also can photograph at any time during the day.

What is the most important piece of advice you’ve received pertaining to photography?

Follow your dreams, for they are your own and always achievable.

What is your biggest challenge being a teenage and young adult portrait photographer? How do you overcome it?

Riding the thin line of letting the teenager have a voice, and letting the parent know that they still have a voice. Teenagers are coming into their own adulthood, and they often feel misunderstood by the older generation. They want to know that they can be themselves and no one will tell them that their ideas do not matter. With parents, they hold the purse strings. They are the people who pay me. I also need to let them know that I understand that they are still the parent, and their opinions also matter. The best way for me to overcome that is to treat them ( the teen, and the parent ) like two different clients. I approach and deal with them completely differently. I earn the trust of both them and often speak with them separately so that each one knows and understands that I have heard them, and I will make sure I deliver 100%.

What is your dream assignment?

A personal project of mine is to travel to Africa and document the teens within different tribes.


Connect with Audrey:

Websites: www.katcteens.com

Instagram: @kidsandthecity

Facebook: www.facebook.com/Audreywoulardphotography

Written by: Profoto US

Products used in this story

OCF Softbox Octa

Ideal for flattering portraits, used with off-camera flashes
From $119.00