How to create the best wedding images with Profoto A1 | Profoto (IN)

Meet wedding photographer Vanessa Joy

Vanessa Joy has been an influential wedding photographer in the photography community for years. Her photographic journey began in 1998 and since then Vanessa has captured everything from Jersey Shore Weddings and elegant formal affairs, to farm weddings with rustic wedding photos and vintage wedding details. “I love the high intensity of weddings and the ability to be a part of something really incredible and special for my couple and their family. Capturing moments that they’ll cherish for a lifetime is really rewarding and I have to admit it’s pretty fun photographing lavish events!”

Vanessa Joy on…

Wedding photography trends in 2019
Couples are becoming more involved in their photos. 10 years ago and well before the image revolution on social media, my clients didn't ask for much in regards to their photos. Now I get sent Pinterest boards and photos that they want to capture. It can be a nuisance, but I like to look at it as a way of collaborating with my couples to give them something amazing for their wedding.
Getting started with flash
When I first attempted flash, I was horrible at it. But even when I wasn't very good, my clients still freaked out over the images and ended buying more from me with those images on it. I knew then that OCF was something I needed to master for both my clients, my creativity and my bottom line.
Mastering tricky light situations
Changing light is the trickiest part. It's not so much that there is a dark room I need to master, or a bright sunny day. It's that there are ALL of those scenarios, one right after the other, in any give wedding day.
Becoming a successful wedding photographer
Understanding that as much as it's about the art and the creativity, it's just as much about business and people.
Best thing about shooting weddings
Anticipating all that's going to happen, and capturing so that my clients can relive it over and over again.
Her favourite gear
I do not leave the house without my Canon 1DX Mark II and my new Profoto B10!

Products that are in this campaign

Now we have an awesome campaign!


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Clic Fresnel

ProFresnel Spot

Quick tips

How-to videos for the A1

The Profoto A1 is incredibly easy to use, either on its own or in combination with multiple flashes. Wherever you are in the world, you’ll have all you need to take your creativity to the next level.

Quick tips for the Profoto A1 How to create dramatic two-light portraits

How to create dramatic two-light portraits

Follow Sal Cincotta to Saint Louis, where he creates dramatic portraits with two A1s – on and off camera
Quick tips for the Profoto A1 How to create warm beauty portraits

How to create warm beauty portraits

Sal Cincotta shows how to bring warmth to your beauty portraits with gels for the A1

5 top tips from Sal Cincotta

Think outside the box
In order to be successful as an artist, we have to differentiate ourselves. Lighting is an easy way to stand out. Control the light and you can make magic anywhere.
Be consistent with your style
Don't try and reinvent the wheel every time you shoot a wedding. Be consistent with your work, your lighting, your editing. This is your brand, make sure your customers can identify your work. You will attract more clients that way.
Shoot through moments
Regardless of what people say about over-shooting, the reality is, thats part of the point in the world of digital. Don’t risk missing a moment because you want to get 1 or 2 shots. Shoot through moments and you will pleasantly surprised at what you captured.
Keep it simple
I see so many photographers try to overcomplicate their set ups. You don’t need every lens, light, and modifier known to mankind. Most wedding days, I am alternating between 3 lenses and 1 light - the Profoto A1 and a 70-200 2.8, a 24-70 2.8 and an 85mm 1.2
Practice. Practice. Practice.
Every day, every week, every year, I work at becoming a better photographer. If you are not committed to practicing you will never get better. Try to think like an athlete, they don't just show up on game day and hope for the best. They hone their skills. We must do the same.