Ning Wong Bring the Sun with Him on An Engagement Shoot | Profoto (IT)

Ning Wong Bring the Sun with Him on An Engagement Shoot

24 febbraio, 2014

Scritto da: Fredrik Franzén

“Using flash is like having a sun in your pocket,” says wedding photographer Ning Wong, who recently tried the RFi Speedlight Speedring and an RFi Softbox for the very first time. This is the outcome of his test drive.

Considering it’s what weddings are all about, you might expect to get this kind of answer more often. Still, when we asked Ning Wong why he is a wedding photographer, we couldn’t help but being a bit surprised by his heartfelt reply.

“I absolutely adore the concept of being in love,” he says. “My wife and I are high school sweethearts and I feel so blessed and lucky to have her by my side. We have such a strong and loving relationship – every time I shoot a wedding, I feel like I’m reliving these moments with her. It makes me happy.”

“I also realize that my photos and videos will be one of the few things that my couples will cherish for the rest of their lives. They’ll be able to show their children and grandchildren one of their most special and happiest days of their lives. I’m lucky to be able to capture this bit of their history for them to remember forever.”








Ning furthermore states that these historic moments are best captured when he is in full control of the light and can shape it as he sees fit. That is why he brings flashes to his weddings. Scott Robert Lim, one of Ning’s mentors once told him, “Using flash is like having a sun in your pocket.”

“I’ve never forgotten this statement,” says Ning. “Flash allows me to create my own light and shadow. I also believe using flash is an important way to differentiate yourself from all the other wedding photographers out there.”

The video and the images in this article were shot during Ning’s first real shoot with the Profoto RFi Speedlight Speedring. His setup includes

Canon 600EX-RT speedlights and a Softbox RFi 3’ Octa all attached to the RFi Speedlight Speedring. That was the only artificial light source used during this shoot, which was placed in different positions for various shots.

“I really enjoyed using the RFi Speedlight Speedring. To my surprise, it took me only a few minutes to set up the octabox on it. I liked how the holes and rods are all color-coded so it’s easy to assemble. Once you get your softbox on it, putting your flashes on it is pretty basic too. Just make sure you angle your flash heads out so you can maximize the light coverage inside the softbox.”

“I also loved how the RFi Speedlight Speedring held two speedlights, giving me a faster recycle time and brighter light output.  And, as you can see in the video, we were able to move the setup around very quickly. Once the octabox was on the RFi Speedlight Speedright, it was solid as a rock. I didn’t have to worry about it coming off, but Profoto always makes the best gear so I knew that wasn’t going to be a problem.”

See more of Ning’s work at his website.

Click here to learn more about the RFi Speedlight Speedring.






Scritto da: Fredrik Franzén