Walk Through A Wedding, Part 3: The Bride Getting Ready | Profoto

Walk Through A Wedding, Part 3: The Bride Getting Ready

08 April, 2014

Written by: Fredrik Franzén

Walk Through a Wedding is a yearlong video series in which we get to follow wedding photographers Justin & Mary Marantz as they set out to capture a young couple’s most special day.

The series consists of 20 videos, each one revealing the story and the lighting setup behind a certain image. This is the third video, showing Justin & Mary shooting the bridesmaid and the bride getting ready.

It is a fairly difficult shot to pull off. The lighting conditions in the hotel room are far from ideal and there is a lot of things happening quickly. But Justin and Mary solved this using a single B1 off-camera flash and an Umbrella Shallow White M.

“This allows us to cover a large area with light, but also maintain a directional nature to it,” says Justin.

“We don’t like to direct them too much or pose them,” adds Mary in regards to their subjects. “We just keep telling them to face the light in a general, and we let that moment unfold naturally.”

The final shot plus a couple of behind-the-scenes images from the shoot can be found below. The first two Walk Through a Wedding videos can be found here if you have not seen them already.

The next video will be released April 21. Stay tuned.






Written by: Fredrik Franzén