How to make your ultra-wide environmental portraits pop with the Profoto B2 | Profoto (UK)

How to make your ultra-wide environmental portraits pop with the Profoto B2

11 May, 2017

Written by: Jens-Linus Lundgren-Widén

Ordinary to extraordinary is a behind the scenes video series where Lin&Jirsa Photography shares their secrets to achieving unique and creative wedding imagery. In this episode Pye shoots ultra-wide angle environmental portraits with backlight.

Ultra-wide angle environmental portraits are immensely popular, since they make for fantastic large format prints. Adding it to your wedding photography portfolio will instantly differentiate you ferom all other wedding photographers.

One risk you are running into when shooting ultra-wide angle environmental portraits with small subjects, they can easily disappear in the background. Backlighting can really make your subjects pop out of your images and at the same time enhance surroundings effects like mist, fog, smoke, or rain.

Watch the video to learn how to create an ultra-wide angle environmental portrait with backlight in five simple steps.


For more videos on how Lin&Jirsa Photography use Profoto Off-Camera Flash to control light to match their creative vision and overcome wedding day challenges, subscribe to our YouTube channel.



Written by: Jens-Linus Lundgren-Widén