| Profoto (IT)
Risultati: 35
Ordina per:Popolarità

Profoto Eclipse II

High-quality photos and videos of shoes, accessories, and more.

Profoto Elevate

Our flexible iPad-controlled system for photo and video content of models.

Female Magic Mannequin II

Optimized for e-commerce photography and compatible with Vertical.
Da 924,00 €

Profoto Softbox Octa

Ideale per ritratti accattivanti
Da 495,00 €

Profoto Softbox Rectangular

Luce morbida con precisione e versatilità
Da 495,00 €

Profoto Softbox Strip

Ideale per illuminare i bordi o i contorni
495,00 €

ProHead Plus

Una testa classica dotata di uno Zoom Reflector
Da 3 261,46 €

Male Magic Mannequin II

Optimized for e-commerce photography and compatible with Vertical.
Da 924,00 €

Umbrella Deep Silver

Un ombrello versatile con possibilità di zoom per una luce dotata di contrasto
Da 234,00 €

Fuori produzione Full Female Magic Mannequin

A durable and lightweight full-body mannequin to be used with Vertical.

Profoto StyleShoots Live

One set for dynamic, high-quality on-model videos and stills.

Fuori produzione Full Male Magic Mannequin

A durable and lightweight full-body mannequin to be used with Vertical.

Profoto StyleShoots Vertical

Background-free mannequin packshots and hanging flat lays.

Profoto StyleShoots Horizontal

Premium flat lays and background-free packshots.

Profoto Connect Pro

Connettività senza precedenti
Da 429,00 €

Umbrella Deep Translucent

Un ombrello versatile con possibilità di zoom per una luce diffusa
Da 164,00 €

Umbrella Deep White

Un ombrello versatile con possibilità di zoom per una luce più morbida
Da 224,00 €

Umbrella Shallow Silver

Un ombrello leggero per una luce ampia uniforme e dotata di contrasto
Da 104,01 €

Umbrella Shallow Translucent

Un ombrello leggero per luce ampia e diffusa in modo uniforme
Da 84,00 €

Umbrella Shallow White

Un ombrello leggero per luce ampia e uniforme con un tocco di morbidezza
Da 104,01 €

Fuori produzione Mohr Models - Female

Mohr Models' full-body female mannequin to be used with Vertical.

Fuori produzione Mohr Models - Male

Mohr Models' full-body male mannequin to be used with Vertical.

Fuori produzione Mohr Models - Child

Mohr Models' standard full-body child mannequin to be used with Vertical.

Wheelstand for Magic Mannequin

A wheelstand with two height options to easily move and photograph torso, leg, and full-body mannequins for e-commerce.
660,00 €

Eclipse Background paper and turntable cover set

Eclipse background paper and turntable cover set.

Caddy with short fixture

Caddy with a short fixture to take mannequin images of pants, shorts, and skirts using Vertical.

Caddy with tall fixture

Caddy with a tall fixture to take mannequin images of tops, dresses, and jumpsuits using Vertical.

Colorchecker Passport Photo type II

Adaptive ColorChecker for calibration of consistent color with Eclipse.

Colorchecker Greycard

Adaptive three-step grayscale color chart for calibration of consistent color with Live and Horizontal.

Pin Sockets

A set of rubber pin sockets that make any e-commerce mannequin compatible with Vertical and our Caddies.

Diffusers Set

A set of five round diffusers designed to soften and shape the light of Horizontal and Vertical.

Fixture Diffuser Long (set of 2)

A set of two fixture diffusers that cover the LED strips in the Caddy fixtures for Vertical.

Fixture diffuser short

A set of two fixture diffusers that cover the LED strips in the Caddy fixtures for Vertical.

Fixture extender

Metal block with fixture pins to raise up the mannequin when shooting longer items.

Fixture Pins Set

Two spare sets of metal fixture pins to secure your mannequin on Caddy or Wheelstand.

Bluetooth Barcode Scanner

External Bluetooth barcode scanner for fast and efficient product naming and easy file management.

Leg Suspension Set

The leg suspension set allows you to hang a pair of mannequin legs from the top beam of Vertical.

Leg Suspension pin with sphere

Connection pin that connects the leg suspension set with Vertical.
Creativity without compromise

Modular studio solutions

Automate your studio workflow

Automated studio solutions

Limitless creativity meets workflow automation

Creative automation studio solutions

Efficient photography at scale


Efficient photography at scale
